Hi! I'm so glad you are here!

Welcome to our newest little blessing's page. This page is a lot about her and some about what I've learned since becoming pregnant with her. I have a lot of info to share so-come back and keep reading.

My little girl was born at the end of October, 1999 and her birth story is an amazing witness to God's grace and love for us.*

She is also my 1st breastfed baby...hear what a Dr. told me 11 years ago and what I just learned less then 1 year ago!*

Cloth or Paper??? Stay tuned for what I chose and why..and how it turned out!*

Should a baby sleep with parents, in it's own crib, in their room, or it's own room? What did we do? Does each child differ?*

Do you use a sling? What is a sling? Will your husband wear a sling? Will he laugh at you if you wear one? LOL! Will your child like it??*

What e-mail lists do I belong to? I will be giving you their websites and if you agree or are interested you too can subscribe!*

Some of the websites that have helped me whether it is with knowledge or purchases.*

Wondering why there are just a bunch of questions and *? That means: stay tuned...this is just the begining!!

You will have to click the "BACK" button on the top of your browser for now...the buttons below aren't "hooked up yet". Thanks!