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Green Scene

Just look out the window, I'm sure you could probably spot a piece of trash lying about. Switch on the TV, there's bound to be a program about animals getting extinct or about the ozone layer. The problem of environment protection is a global one reaching epic proportions. But you know what?

New Features:

Birdwatching 101
How my first trip made my enthusiasm for conservation took flight

How I Became an Earth-Friend
My article which will appear in Kerygma magazine about my personal journey to environment consciousness

Home Alternatives
Natural is always better as you will see in the various alternative products for a healthier lifestyle.

Trashy Memories
My article which appeared on Kampus Magazine last December 1998 about my participation in the International Coastal Cleanup.

You can make a difference!

naturewildlifecitylife homelife action plan
nature              wildlife            citylife              homelife          action plan

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I got to develop my love for the environment through my travelling around the country (Philippines) and wanting to go to the places I've never been to - but one thing I noticed is that people don't really know how to be 'good tourists'.

we need treesI know a group of people called the Nature Badgers and sometimes travel with them. They tell us their rule whenever they go mountain-climbing, camping, hiking or whatever.

Take only pictures, leave only footprints, bring back only memories.

So don't EVER get shells from the beach, or wonderfully unique colored stones and plants, even tiny unseen creatures need these as their homes. Don't think or say "It's only ONE". Just imagine if everyone who visited that place had the same kind of thinking! It would make a big impact on the entire ecosystem of that area!

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Not to hurt our humble brethren is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission - to be of service to them wherever they require it. - St. Francis of Assisi, 1181-1220

Even before the environmentalists had a voice and shared to us the immensity of the problem of endangered animals, continuing deforestation and the effect on this to biodiversity, increasing specie extinction, people like St. Francis already gave importance to wildlife even if it wasn't a "cool" issue back then. Being someone with a good heart, he knew God put animals there for a purpose and he put us people in charge of them- to protect and preserve them in the best possible way.

How can we help? One is to be active in local groups like Haribon Foundation. Membership is like 100.00 to 250.00 only and it will be for a good cause. Or you can just join them in their ecotours. You can contact them: Haribon Foundation, 9 Malingap cor. Malumanay Sts., Teacher's Village, Diliman, QC PHILIPPINES tel. no. 925-3332 /436-2756 / 435-3208 loc. 16 email: or visit their website at

One group that I'd recommend is SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and PAWS (Philippine Animal Welfare Society). These people really care! 

Our Philippine Wildlife is a rich collection of God's creatures !!!  One may think, especially the city-born and bred folk, that our Philippine animals are not so special, rare or unique.  One cannot be more wrong !!!  For instance, the Philippines is home to the largest and smallest fishes in the world - the Whale Shark or "Butanding" (which one can go swimming with at Sorsogon) and the miniature goby "Pandaka Pygmaea".  Or we have the longest snake in the world - the Reticulated Python (32 feet).  How about the Giant Clam, or "Tridacna gigas", the biggest bivalve ever found.

Do all of us Manileņos know what a "dugong" looks like?  Or that there are monitor lizards, scaly anteaters, flying lemurs, cloud rats, egrets, Christmas tree worms, and more rare animals found here in our homeland, all fighting to survive, but without our help?

Before we can go out there and rally to fight their extinction, we need to read up on these wonderful creatures which are alarmingly decreasing in number.  One good source for study is the book, "Philippine Wildlife" by Jose Ma. Lorenzo Tan, Bookmark Inc., 1992.  It has clear pictures, which, when you think about it, are really quite eye-opening and it has a dynamic layout.

To make some concrete steps - click here for some tips on how to save the animals!

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A lot of celebrations have balloons - and sometimes for special effect, people let go of these and they fly in to the air symbolizing freedom or peace or sometimes even messages to God or dead kin.

What many people don't know is that this is harmful to the environment. Ever wonder where those balloons go? They eventually drift off and usually when they lose their air, they drop down to the oceans. They do more than pollute the sea with their non-biodegradable properties, they even kill fish that get entangled in them. SO, next time you let go of that balloon, think about it real hard first.

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Recycling Projects Page
There are so many things we throw away daily, but if one takes the time to think about how to transform this into something special - you're actually giving that thing 'new life' and more value.  I put in here some ideas.   You can add your own by emailing them to me.

Home Alternatives
We use a lot of household products that are dangerous to our health because of the chemicals used.  For example cleaning products sold commercially have ingredients that cause cancer, respiratory problems or other illnesses.   We need safe and effective 'natural' alternatives to free our home from these hazards.  Click here for a list.

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You can certainly make a difference, in a big or small way. It just takes awareness and also courage to speak out to influence and inform others who are still uninvolved.


1) Make a schedule of your daily activities from when you wake up in the morning to when you go to sleep at night.

2) Look at how you go about each task. (for example, do you use a glass when brushing your teeth to minimize water waste? or is your car belching enough smoke to cause lung cancer?- just kidding).

3) Decide to change 1 or 2 things in your daily sked that will make the environment less endangered.

4) There are also certain things you can do to speak out environment protection concerns - like writing letters or emailing to the government, companies (restaurants for example, who use Styrofoam to use alternative packaging).

5) Find out as much as you can about earth-saving issues - for starters, visit these sites:,,,

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How to Save the Animals - Some Tips

Buy cosmetics and other products that were not animal-tested.  Body Shop products are safe and they even do a lot to inform the public about animal-testing, it's effects and promoting "cruelty-free" products.

Do not EVER wear fur or buy products that you know come from endangered animals like Rhino horn concoctions, or handicrafts made from ivory (taken from elephants' tusks).  They are not an inexhaustible source!

Do not let go of your balloons into the air!  Research show that these eventually land in the sea and poison fishes who mistake them for jellyfish.  Besides, they really do a good job of polluting our waters!

If you are looking for a pet, don't opt for exotic animals.  60% of wild animals caught and sold as exotic pets die before reaching their point of exportation. 

Read up on saving our animals with National Director, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Ingrid Newkirk's book, "Save the Animals, 101 Easy Things You Can Do", 1990, Warner Books, U.S.A.

Promote these values by either wearing buttons or T-shirts with these messages to encourage and educate others.

Donate to the Calauit Sanctuary (they need funds to continue caring for the needs of the many animals taking refuge there), Haribon Foundation, World Wildlife Fund, Phils. and other organizations that work toward the preservation of our endangered animals.


Everyday Ways to Help Mother Earth

use dishwater and washing machine only when full

replace incandescent light bulbs

reuse plastic

buy recycled paper products

make a folder or envelope and label it "scratch paper" and put in all the paper you could still use.

use rechargeable batteries

use bus, carpool, bike or walk

use radial tires

compost kitchen and yard waste

leave grass clippings on lawn

use energy efficient appliances

tighten all faucets

recycle bottles and cans

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