Welcome To Alyssa's Page
Alyssa was born on March 19th at 8:02 am.  My due date was March 23rd, but I chose to have an elective C-Section this time around.  Alyssa was born with a growth on her tailbone and Imperforate Anus.  This means she was born without an opening for her bum.

She has had 3 surgeries.  The first when she was 24 hours old was for a colostomy.  The second when she was 7 months old was to create an opening, and the third when she was 11 months old was to reverse the colostomy and to do the "pull thru" and connect everything properly.  She is pretty much as normal as you or I, the only difference is she may be wearing diapers for longer than normal as she has no bowel control and she battles constipation daily.  We have recieved alot of information and help at the
Pull Thru website.
For the last 5 years, Alyssa and our family has been involved with Variety The Children's Charity.   Alyssa is the area rep for the coin drive for  Variety.  The proceeds Alyssa raises are given to Variety during the airing of the Show of Hearts telethon which is aired on GLOBAL BC.
     Alyssa likes reading, Bratz, playing games on the computer, playing with her friends, going to school.   Alyssa has two older sisters, Maegan and Taylor.