Hi there, Welcome to the beginning of my web page dedicated to EMT's of all levels and types of services.

I'm an Army medic, have been for 15 years. I was an EMT-A in Indiana before that. I am currently a NREMT-P and have worked as a Flight medic and a field medic as well as an ER tech. in the Army. I'm currently working as an administrator of a health clinic for the Army in Germany. I have seen a lot of changes in EMS both military and civilian. If you connect to my military page at the link below you can see what changes are in the works for the Army medics now.

Here are some links to some good sites.

Medical Information

EMS Village

Trauma Simulator

Health Information

EMS Magazine

Health Finder


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

JEMS Magazine

Wilderness Medicine Associates

Cardiac Arrest Simulator

Virtual Autopsy

EMS for Children

A great site for EMS and HTML instruction

Army "DUSTOFF" Airevac

Drop me a line and give me your advice.


The Picture Page

My Army Medic Page

An EMS Poem

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