josie's Story

This is me a couple days after I wuz adopted

Mews! I'm josie and I'm a purroud shelter kitty. I can't really rememfur how I got there since I wuz so little, but I spent the first 2 months of my life in a cage wif lots of offur kitties. All we did all day wuz sleep, play and eat. It wuz a good life, but I longed fur a home to call my furry own.
One day, while I wuz sleeping on the tummy of one of my playmates, I saw a girl poke her head into my cage. I wuz half asleep so I didn't know what was going on. All of a sudden she picked me up and said that she wanted me cuz I looked like a cute little tiger. The shelter lady then placed me into a cardboard box and whispered that I wuz one of the lucky ones!
The subway ride home wuz a little bit rocky and stressful as I had neffur been outside befure, so I kinda puked all offur my box. Mommie wuz furry nice though and cleaned me up. Fur the first couple of days I wuz real scared and kept hiding next to the vaccuum cleaner. Eventually I came cuz I got hungry!
Now I love it here effen though I haf a yucky d*ggie broffur to deal wif. But I suppose that it's alright, as I haf an endless amount of food, treats, and L-O-V-E! The shelter lady wuz right, I'm furry lucky that mommie adopted me. Not all kitties are that lucky, so if you know a hoomin who wants to adopt a kitty, pleeze encourage them to go to their local shelter.

You can visit me at my homepage, Kitten Kuriosity

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