Griffey's Story

My Meowmy is smart. All week long I sent her messages. I'd squeeze my eyes shut really tight and say "Come get me...I'm waiting fur you!" A month earlier, my kitty meowmy left me and my two brofurs to go hunting. Something bad happened and she nefur came back! The nice lady who found us fell in love wif us but she couldn't keep three frisky kittens. Soon we found ourselves at a strange cage place.  My two brofurs went off wif nice families right away but I was waiting until my Meowmy Shirley would come to adopt me. On Thursday morning, someone came and lifted me out of my cage, but it wasn't Meowmy Shirley!  I wiggled and ran around the room to get away and finally was returned to my cage.  That was close!  I kept sending her my message the rest of the day and, finally, THERE SHE WAS!!  I knew she must have gotten all those thoughts I'd been sending!  I was so relieved to see her, but she walked right by me!  I knew I had to do something to get her attention so I dragged out my blanket and wrestled and rolled wif it.  That did the trick!  She looked at me and asked, "Are you my new little guy?"  I yelled "YES! YES!" and the rest is history. I still try to send her messages but maybe it only works good the one time you really need to get your point across(?)  She just doesn't get it sometimes! (But I love her anyway!!)

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