Kricket's Story

Here's a picture of me right after I arrived at my new home!  I was adopted from a shelter when I was seven weeks old, purrhaps even 6 weeks.  One day, I was out exploring the wilderness and I got lost.  I was furry scared and couldn't find my furry meowmie.  I was crying and crying and I kept walking.  Suddenly, I ended up on a road and there were scary metal boxes rolling towards me!!  One white box stopped and a hoomin man picked me up, with his gloves on.  Then he took me and put me in a cage.   I got furry upset and I bit him and I was hissing the whole time!  Then the man took me to a building with lots of kitties and d*ggies and CAGES!!  I was furry, furry scared!  Then, after I slept fur a while, a man was looking in my cage.  He went and looked in the cage of a tiny kitten (who couldn't have been more than two weeks old!) and then he looked back at me.  He asked if he could hold me, and was told to watch out because I was "wild".  I tried to tell him that it wasn't true, but he was already petting me and I started purring.  Then he said, "I'll take her!".  What did that mean?  We went outside of the building and got into another metal box and it started rolling. Then we came to another building and we went inside.  The man said that he would be my daddy, if I would let him and that this will be my new home.  I had to get used to the other kitty there, cause she was furry against me moving in!!  After a while, a lady came in the house and she petted me too.  She said that she will be my meowmie!  It took a while, but they finally decided to call me Kricket.  I couldn't remember what my other name was, so I said that this was good!  Shelter kitties are furry good kitties!  My meowmie always tells me that I am such a good girl, even when I attack her plants and my sisfurs!  Please, think of adopting an animal (kitty or d*ggie) before you go and buy one!  It is a furry rewarding experience!!

You can visit me at The House of MoKriGin

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