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When Geocities (the nice folks who made this website possible) set up this site, they asked me to describe it. I said "Redneck Philosopher". Well, folks, it's hard to be a philosopher without giving some thought to prophesy, so buckle up, here goes . . .

Since I am a Christian, any prophesy has to begin with the Bible. From a religious aspect, it is the only true book printed. From a scientific standpoint, it has never been dis-proved, but it has been proven over and over again as archaeologists continue to dig. So I feel safe in using the Bible as my landmark.

I find it interesting that there have been discoveries that vindicate the Bible on various points back to the time of Noah and the flood, but none beyond that. Scientists have found a layer of iridium-rich rock in the same time frame as the extinction of the dinosaurs. Could the two be related? At first glance, the answer would appear to be no. The flood happened about 4000 years ago and the dinosaurs disappeared about 60 million years ago (so scientists tell us). But, on deeper study, the possibilities begin to appear . . .

It is not possible to cover all the land by a 40-day rain! Do the math - for every 1000 feet of water, it would have to average over 1 inch of rain per hour! Now, I have been through some heavy rainstorms, but never one that went in inches per hour for any sustained time! The Bible also speaks of a "firmament" created, dividing the waters below from the waters above. Above? The last time I looked, there was nothing above us in the way of waters. I didn't even see the firmament! So where did they go?

Obviously from the way I have presented these facts, they went here, in the form of the great flood. What happened to the firmament is unclear, but the waters above went below. Now, in looking for the firmament, here's this iridium-rich line of rock that covers the globe. Hmmm . . . .

I know that this isn't prophesy, it is history. But to understand where you are going, you need to first know where you are coming from. If the Bible is true (it is!) then we can take the prophesies in it as fact, however obscure or confusing. I will devote the next part of this discussion to the prophesies of the Bible, mostly contained in the books of Daniel and Revelation and in the direct statements of Jesus.

There are a few things you need to keep in mind when reading the following pages...First, this is not divinely-inspired, it is a logical look at the predictions of the Bible (and a few other sources) from both a scientific and a believer's standpoint. Second, some of the prophesies are not comforting. If you are easily worried, you might want to take this slow. I can tell you this - I have read the back of the book, and Jesus wins! I hope that is some comfort. Third, The intention of this is not to recruit believers, that is not my calling. I do urge you to visit one of these sites if you are not a believer and just see for yourself what the Kingdom of God has to offer. I can recommend Trinity Broadcasting, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, and Jesse Duplantis Ministries. These are all true believers and will be happy to help you in any way they can.

The list below will link you to the various pages. I suggest you start at the beginning, to avoid missing important concepts...

These pages best viewed at 600 X 800 Screen Resolution:

The Warnings of Jesus
The Four Horsemen
The Mark of the Beast
Who Is the Anti-Christ?
Hell Does Not Exist
The End of the World
Minor Prophets

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