Current Song:"Families Can Be Together Forever"
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Family and Spiritual Links

These are some of the family, spiritual, and homemaking sites I have found on the web and enjoyed. I haven’t really categorized them in any particular order.


Family First.
Home of the Family First Webring, as well as being run by a wonderful lady,
this site has many resources that can help families in almost any aspect.

Kathi's Garden
Full of inspirational stories and ideas, this is a beautiful site.
You will want to come back, as it is updated frequently.

Moms Online
Moms:think that if you read another children's book, you're going to scream?
Here's a place to meet moms just like you.
A good place for conversation and some great reading.

Mommies on the Web
While we're at it. Another great site.
Informative articles, page links for moms and children, plus a lot of interesting things.

Parent Soup
A part of IVillage,
this is a great site to help answer any questions you may have about being a parent.

Looks like honk my own horn time.
This segment is run by yours truly.
There is a monthly article, and many informative links for and about toddlers.
Stop by and give it a peek. :)

FamilyPC on the Web This is a great magazine.
It's very helpful for articles, ideas, site recommendations and
pretty much anything that can help your family with computing.
I have a subscription to the print magazine and love it.

Touched By an Angel
The official website of my favorite television show.

Cindy's Parlor
This beautifully designed site has inspirational messages and wonderful ideas.
It's a beautiful place to relax and "have a cup of tea".

Kathy's Corner
This is a great resource for autism information.
For the last 17 years Kathy has learned and shared information about autism.
Here that information is shared to help other families dealing with autism get set on a path so they know what options are available.

Charo's Place
A great place kids and parents.
This site has crafts, recipes, games, and links.
Don't forget to check out "Kids Say the Darndest Things" and the new Scooby Doo page.

The Kid's Page
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to explore the great links on this page with your child.
Listed are a number of safe sites (in alphabetical order)
that can be used for a school project or just for the fun of it.
On the bottom of the list are a number of coloring pages ready to be printed out for coloring or painting.


Once a Month Cooking
What a time saver this can be.
Spend one day out of your month cooking, and eat for a month.
Articles, links, and more to help you get started.

Kitchen Science

This site sells kitchen products such as mills, mixers, apple peelers, pizza stones, etc.
It also has a little on the whys and hows of food storage, plus some great tightwad tips and recipes for using basic foods.
Recipes, questions and answers, live chat, cooking web links.
If it has to do with cooking it's probably here.

Mad's Recipe Emporium - Recipes from Old Books Collection

Doug's Family Recipes
Would you like some Old World Hungarian Recipes?
Doug Magoch (still haven't found that ancestral link) will send a free recipe from his cookbook of family recipes.
Some of these recipes make a lot of servings, so they are great for Once a Month Cooking.
Be sure to mention that this site referred you. :)
LDS Links

The Official Site of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

LDS Webring

LDS Resources

LDS World

LDS Radio

Everyone has a favorite email list. This is mine.
Run by the owner of Family First(see above),
this page is where to go for information on the LDSMoms email list,
LDSMoms Webring, and many handy tips and ideas.
Whether your children are still in diapers,
or are bringing their children over for a visit,
if you are LDS and a Mother, this is a place to check.
It's a place where us LDS Moms can share our lives, insights, and friendship.

Christy's Primary Art Page
A member of the LDS webring.
This site has many great ideas for helping out with those ideas for primary class.

Mormon News
The archived site of News concerning the LDS church.

is a site made to make it easier to find church related sites.
Grouped in categories for whatever subject you may be looking for.

Daily W.O.W.
Daily Word of Wisdom Links. A must.
Many church links including Art, music, and literature;
education; family; children; General Conference; Primary; History.
Probably one of the best LDS sites I have found.

Lissa's Children Page
My son loves this page.
The lyrics and midi music for the 1999 primary songs are on this site.
Family Home Evening ideas are available.
Plus, links to scripture help, answers to important questions such as,
"Why do we pay tithing?", and fun links are on this site.

The Primary Page
This is an INCREDIBLE page for primary resources.
The singing time section alone has 17 pages.
This is updated quite often and is a great source to visit for primary ideas again and again.

Dave Jenning's Best LDS Links on the Web (for Youth, Seminary, and Primary)

LDS Travel Network
This is a neat idea.
The LDS Travel Network is a way to help LDS members with travel accomodations.
Instead of staying at motel, stay in a clean, friendly LDS home for little or no money
If you will not be traveling in the near future, but would like to host another family

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have visited since March 14. 1999.