As I walk the winding path of life
A fork I reach, now left or right?
I wonder where each one will lead
I stop, consider and pay heed

Which path to take, which way to go?
So many wrong paths taken long ago
Will no one help to show the way?
Should I continue or should I stay?

Though I must decide which path to take
The decision proves so hard to make
One wrong turn could end it all
But for too long, I dare not stall

One leads to a mountain high
That seems to almost touch the sky
The other only shows a bend
Around which could be foe or friend

I can't imagine life without
All the wonder and the doubt
But just one time I'd like to see
A sign to point the way for me!

Gale Bush~





Child to never be unloved
By God who shelters him above
But a mothers love he'll never know
For she remains on the Earth below

How could a child be forced to die
No chance to ever ask mom...why?
Wouldn't ANY life be better
Than to have no life, to never matter?

Parents never meant to be
Child of love will never see
A mom and dad and child make three...
How could they ever feel set free?

This child that never asked to be
Lost a life he'd never see
He lost a world he'd never know
He felt a pain he'd never show

Child to never be a man
Or have a cause to take a stand
Child to never know the pain
Or feel the joys of love aflame

Child to never play with friends
Or see if rainbows ever end...
No laughter shared, no life enhanced
By a child that never had a chance!

Gale Bush~




Being raised on the coast inspired this poem
as well as many of my others.


Angry waves crashing
Against the warm sand
Sent a misty spray splashing
On me as I ran

I opened my arms
To the onslaught of waves
And stood captured in the charms
Of their watery haze

Seagulls were screeching
their lone solemn cry
All the while circling
Overhead in the sky

I envied the freedom
Of the life that they lead
To never know boredom
Or sadness or greed

I lay down and drifted
Into a deep sleep
And dreamed I was lifted
And could fly 'cross the sea

To be free as a bird
Though a thought so profound
Is a quest often heard
Sought by many Earthbound.

Gale Bush~
Copywrite 1997




I wrote these lyrics several years ago
and I have the tune for them in my head...
the problem is that I can't write music
and I'm pretty much tone deaf
so it's hard to even try to pick out the notes
but I can sing it in my head all day long
and never miss a beat! :)
I hope you enjoy it!

"Follow Me"

The moon shines on the river
As it flows into the bay
The quiet waters whisper
In the wind they seem to say...

"Follow me, I will lead you,
Follow me, I will take you
To an island paradise
An island made for dreamers
That knows no pain or strife...
Follow me."

Still I stand afraid to follow
To this land of no tomorrow
Though yesterday was painful
And today remained the same,
I still have a new tomorrow
For my old life to change!

The shores are gently shifting
Still the river knows the way
And to each who stop and listen
They will hear its' whisper say...

"Follow me, I will lead you,
Follow me, I will take you
To an island paradise
An island made for dreamers
That knows no pain or strife...
Follow me."

Someday all souls may follow
No longer facing sorrow
Too many yesterdays of pain
And wishing for what cannot change
Some never find tomorrow
For some tomorrows never came!

The river's dried and empty now
In the wind, the trees still sway
But as I stand alone I hear
Some gentle whisper say...

"Follow me, I will lead you,
Follow me, I will take you
To an island paradise
An island made for dreamers
That knows no pain or strife...
Follow me."

lyrics by:
Gale Bush




I seem to remember in a life long since past
Forests of timber, majestic and vast
Trees dressed in foliage, showing seasons distinct...
Signs of a simpler age, I see now - extinct

When blue skies abounded above fruitful lands
And all creatures sounded as one with man
When mountainous ranges with snow covered crests
Welcomed the changes that time could not mask

Then down through the ages, in the name of 'progress'
Man altered the phases until life was oppressed
Now that this world - once so alive,
has lost its' battle with mankind
Will only God survive - where man has been so blind?
When man destroys mankind?

Gale Bush~


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