Graduate Study in Psychology:

Links of Interest to Graduate School Applicants

Program Rankings:

  1. Ranking of Psychology PhD Programs (National Research Council Report)
  2. U.S. News Rankings of Psychology PhD Programs
Other Important Links:
  1. Counseling Psychology Net--great information for people interested in Counseling Psychology
  2. Social Psychology Network--Online Psychology Career Center (Highly recommended for all psychology students!)
  3. US News College and Career Center (Rankings of all fields and general information about getting through graduate school.)
  4. So you want to be a clinical psychologist? (Penn State's Psych Department offers some advice)
  5. Occupational Outlook for Psychologists (from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this page goes into a lot of detail on eductional requirements, typical worksettings, and average salaries)

Other Interesting Links:

  1. Social Work Graduate Programs: How to Get In
  2. Free Clicks for Charity
  3. Psychology Term Paper Ideas