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                  Come again soon, this page is going to be updated... Good luck.... Bon appetit...



        Aunt-Auva's Cutlets

            For 6 persons you will need: 1 kg (2 lbs) chiken breasts

                                                            3 eggs

                                                            2 average size onions  

                                                             2 tablespoonfuls potato starch

                                                             salt and black pepper to taste.


                                                            Cut the breasts and onions into small pieces, add eggs, starch, salt and pepper, stir well. Take the batter with a  tablespoon, and put it onto well-oiled preheated pan. Fry on both sides until light brownish. And don't divide between the eaters' plates - it will never be enough until all cutlets are gone.



       Curly Boy (cake)

       For dough you will need:    2 eggs;

                                                    1 cup sour cream;

                                                    1 cup sugar;

                                                    1 1/2 cups flour

                                                    1 teaspoonful baker's powder

                                                    2 tablespoonfuls cocoa powder

                                                   Some margarine for 'oiling' your baking pan (or cover it with baking paper)


                                                  Mix eggs, sugar, sour cream, flour and baker's powder together, stir well. Then divide the batter into 2 unequal parts. Put the bigger part into your baking pan and cook at 180 degrees Celcium for 15 minutes, you'll check if it's ready with a wooden pick. But in the meantime, add cocoa powder to the other part. Then bake it at the same temperature for the same period of time. Check it the same,  with a wooden pick (the same is okay, too, lol). Let both cookies rest until cooled.


For cream you will need:     1 1/2 cups sour cream and   1 cup sugar

                                             Mix sour cream and sugar together and prepare for the best part of the show. Cut the cocoa cookie into small cubes (the smaller the better) and dipping each of them into the cream put on the other cookie at ramdom. Look, it's important to put them not in the way they looked while yet uncut, but make them a mess of curls (remember the name?). When all cubes are gone for curls, you 'dye' the cake.

For dying you will need:  3 tablespoonfuls sour cream

                                          3 tablespoonfuls cocoa powder

                                          3 tablespoonfuls sugar

                                          1 tablespoonful margarine

                                         Mix sour cream, cocoa and sugar together, and stirring carefully heat until boil, take from fire and add margarine. Pour upon your cake at random.



                   Carrot Salad

                  For 6 persons you will need:    3 average size carrots, grated;

                                                                     2 average size apples, grated;

                                                                    100 grams parceley, chopped;

                                                                     2 tablespoonfuls sunflower seeds, peeled.

                                                                    1/2 cups sour cream and 1 tablespoonful honey for dressing.

Mix the ingredients  and dress. Just that simple... lol





                          For dough you need: yeast - 1 small pack
                                                             Some water
                                                             Flower - about 1 kg (2 lbs)

                                                           First stir yeast with warm water. Make a graceful mount of flour, form a 'crater' in it, poor in the 'yeastful water'. Make hard dough gradually adding flour.
Form a ball, put in on flour dusted something, cover with dump towel and leave to leaven for about an hour.

Divide into 4, pat it into pizza-size. It's important to do it with flour dusted hands, never touching brims. Put onto flour dusted - LOL - skillet, leave for 10 minutes to rest and put on something you like in pizza.
BUT - before you do, cook the pizza sauce.

                                               For Sauce you need: Peeled tomatos - 2 small cans;
                                               Olive oil - 2 tbl;
                                               Salt to taste.

                                               Smash tomatos, add oil and salt. Put onto pizzas, then anything you like (mushrooms, sausage, seafood, etc.).
Cover with ground mozzarella on top.
Bake at 300 degrees Celcium for 17 minutes. It's ready when the brim is hard to touch.


                              Enjoy yourself while cooking my favourites, and if you have any questions or                                              comments, do not hesitate to send them to me, okay?

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