Cooking Around the World

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As a free service to our viewers, the Wright Group will be featuring recipes from around the world for your cooking pleasure. These recipes are the actual recipes collected by the principals of the Wright Group in their travels around the world! So, you can be certain that most, if not all, the recipes have been personally taste-tested (and approved!) by us. All the recipes at this site are what we call "American-style", i.e., all of the recipes come from all over the great USA!

The recipe may be Cajun/Creole; it may come from the Eastern Heartland; it may be New England style; it may come from Eastern Canada (Quebec, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswicki); it may come from the Northwest, or it may be Southern style, or from the great West. To use our free recipe service, simply go to the table below, select the American cuisine, and link to it's featured recipe.

Note: For those of you who might be interested, we invite you to visit our International Site. Here, we truly go around the world; you will see recipes from Africa, Australia, China, France, Germany, Latin America, the Pacific Rim, Russia, Spain and Portugal, Scandinavia, etc. Go ahead-- tempt your taste buds!

Click here to visit our International Site

Our future plans call for offering three new cooking pages:
      • Cooking For Two
      • Cooking For Wine Lovers
      • Diabetic Cooking

When these new pages become available, we will offer links to them from this page. Therefore, it would be wise for the viewer to visit this page often, and certainly to bookmark this page now!

To tempt your taste buds, click on any of the following graphics

**** IMPORTANT ****

As you're reading these recipes, don't forget to stock up on the spices needed. Do what we at the Wright Group have done for years--periodically check your spice inventory, and, when low, order them from a well-established company and have them delivered right to your door. We get our spices from The Great American Spice Co. Click on the graphic above to visit their web site.

Now-- Where in this great country do you want to go? Just click on the area in the table below, and you will be taken to that area's page. Bon Voyage et Bon Appetit!

America: Creole/Cajun America: The Melting Pot America: All-Time Favorites America: The Eastern Heartland
America: New England America: Eastern Canadian America: the Northwest America: the Southland
America: the Great West

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Didn't find that one recipe you were looking for? Don't give up-- we will be adding new recipes continually to our web site. Just bookmark our page and visit us again!

However, if you're really in a hurry to get your next international dinner party going, take a minute to visit our on-line store!

With an inventory of over 1,000,000 --that's right!--over one million books, CDs, videos and DVDs, we will be able to supply you any book, CD, video or DVD that you could possibly want!

If you're sure of the item you want, we invite you to use our Search Engine. Just type in the item you are looking for, then hit "SUBMIT".

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This Web Site designed by Richard Wright, a member of

The HTML Writers Guild

Other Links for Your Consideration

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Are you happy with your present job? Think you could do better given another chance? Or maybe you just want to change your job environment-- maybe get a job in in Hawaii, or Australia, the good old USA.

Follow this next link, and you will get the chance to explore over 150,000 various job listings from around the world! It will cost you nothing to look--why not see where the grass is greener!

Our Web Rings

As you might imagine, because of our love for fine food the Wright Group's "Cooking Around the World" web site itself owns many Web Rings that are related to cooking. We invite the viewer to visit our Web Ring page by clicking here

In addition to the various Cooking-related Web Rings described above, we're building a railroad across the internet! And all along the railway in both directions, you'll find web sites displaying this shiny little Rail Icon.

The Rail

Click on this Rail Icon and you'll be transported to the nearest junction where you may travel onward to the East or West on our Dining Car. No matter which way you go, you'll keep on discovering new and notable rail stops, each sporting that same spiffy icon. Each day the order of the rail stops is shuffled like a deck of cards. So your journey will never be the same from one day to the next! Go ahead-- hop on our Dining Car right now and take a tour!!

Because we in the Wright Group are parents, we are deeply committed to the following cause. Please take a look at these pictures.

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Comments and/or Suggestions?

Drop me a note: Dick Wright