
Father: King Fernando I of Aragon
Born: November 27, 1380 in Medina
Married: 1393
Died: April 2, 1416 in Igualada

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Mother: Princess Leonor of Albuquerque
Born: 1374
Died: December 16, 1435

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1. Prince Miguel of Aragon (b.1384)
2. King Alfonso V of Aragon-Sicilies (b.1395)
3. Princess Maria of Aragon (b.1396)
4. King Juan II of Aragon-Sicilies (b.6/29/1398)
5. Prince Enrique Duke of Villena (b.1400)
6. Princess Leonor of Aragon (b.1402)
7. Prince Pietro Duke of Noto (b.1406)
8. Princess Leonor of Aragon (b.1408)
9. Prince Sancho of Aragon (b.1410)

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