Royal Lineage


Father: Prince Johann of Liechtenstein-Jagerndorf
Born: April 17, 1662
Married: Unknown
Died: June 16, 1712

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Mother: Princess Erdmunda of Dietrichstein
Born: April 17, 1652
Died: March 15, 1737

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1. Princess Maria Elisabeth of Liechtenstein (b.5/3/1683)
2. Count Karl of Liechtenstein (b.10/15/1684)
3. Princess Maria Antonia of Liechtenstein (b.4/10/1687)
4. Count Franz of Liechtenstein (b.9/1/1689)
5. Princess Gabriele of Liechtenstein (b.7/12/1692)
6. Princess Maria Theresia of Liechtenstein (b.5/11/1694)
7. Princess Maria Dominika of Liechtenstein (b.8/5/1698)

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