
Father: Baron Robert of Stafford
Born: 1035 in Guerny, Eure, Normandy
Married: Unknown
Died: 1088 in Stafford Castle, Staffordshire, England

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Mother: Lady Avice of Clare
Born: 1067
Died: 1131 in Stafford Castle, Staffordshire, England

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1. Sheriff Nicholas of Staffordshire (b.1082)

  • Note: The first that assumed the surname of Stafford was Baron Robert of Stafford, who possessed, at the time of the General Survey, lordships in Suffolk, Gloucestershire, Lincolnshire, Warwickshire, and Staffordshire, in all 131, and the assumption of the surname of Stafford arose from his being governor of Stafford Castle, where he resided, which had been erected by the Conqueror; for his name originally was Lord Robert of Toeni, a younger son of Baron Roger of Toeni, standard bearer of Normandy. Of this Baron Robert of Stafford, who lived till His Majesty, Henry I's time, nothing further is known than his founding an Augustine priory at Stone, in Staffordshire, upon the spot where Baron Enysan of Waltone, one of the companions of the Conqueror, had killed two nuns and a priest. Robert married the young Avice of Clare, and was followed by his son, Baron Nicholas of Stafford. Robert was buried in Eversham Abbey.

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