© 1996 - 2002 Dana Philipps

Lechery - January

Folly abounds in the delicate concerns of heart,
The mind, vexed and enflamed with a fever of lust
Dost seldom conduct its true and righteous part
Rather, the agitation of spirit maintains the deed's thrust;

Thine supple lips invite the most prudent eye
Ne'er forgot is thine skin, mild like the fay's gossamer wing
The halo of locks that adorns thy brow falls gently
O'er many meadows dost thine sweet voice ring;

Temptation acts as quite the formidable foe,
Directs his keen attention towards a weak and lascivious mind
A battle of wit and want effects a deserved throe
Desire gains a victory of a ruthless kind;

Ruttish tendencies procure turmoil in the hearts of men,
Mine own heart hast sunk into the depths of Lust's fen.

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