

                                                             (Bonnie Beaux)



Happiness is like a butterfly... 

the more you chase it 

the more it will elude you.


If wishes were butterflies....

we would never see the sun.



I'm like a butterfly...

Pretty to see...but hard to catch.


Love is like a butterfly.

If you chase it,

it will elude you,

but if you turn your attention to something else,

it will come and softly

sit on your shoulder.


Love is like a butterfly 

it goes where it pleases 

and pleases where it goes.


"Living is not enough," said the butterfly,

"One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower".

                                      (Hans Christian Anderson)


Why do we call them butterflies?

They don't butter fly, they flutter by.


With a butterfly kiss and a ladybug hug,

sleep tight little one, like a bug in a rug.


E-mail me if you have other sayings to add to this page.

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updated 4/17/09

             Every effort has been made to give credit to the authors of the material used on this site.

             Please let me know if an error has been made, and I will gladly make the necessary changes asap. ~Deanie~