Church Marquees  

                                               This is great place to find marquees to put on church signs....

                                            they are eye-catching and perhaps they might touch

                                     someone's make them think....and then

                          maybe...come in and join the church service.


                                    A candle loses none of its light 

                                    by lighting another candle.



                                       A child's love is the purest thing in the universe.



                                       A clear conscience makes  a soft pillow.



                                  A community or nation 

                                  can be no stronger than its mothers.



                             A dam holds water back.

                               It's not my last name.




                                    A family altar can alter a family.



                               A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing.



                               A smile is a powerful weapon....

                              you can break ice with it.



                                A soft answer turneth away wrath.



                               A worm is the only thing 

                            that can't stumble.



                                       All I have to offer him is 

                               all he wants from me....

                          my heart.



                                   Anyone can count the seeds in an apple.

                                 Only GOD can count the apples in a seed.



                                 Are you wrinkled with burden ?

                                 Come on into Church for a faith lift !



                              As a man grows wiser, 

                              he talks less and says more.



                                   ASAP = always say a prayer



                            Be Ye Fishers of Men.

                            You catch'em....We'll clean the hell out of them !



                                 Be kind to your enemies....

                             you made them.



                                   Be reasonable and don't expect youngsters 

                                     to listen to your advice 

                                    and ignore your example.



                                    Be ye fishers of men.

                                      You catch them -- He'll clean them.



                            Beat the Christmas rush,

                             come to church this Sunday !



                                  Blessed is the heart 

                                that hangs its hope on God.



                                Bring up a child in church...

                                and they won't be in court.



                                      Burying your talent is a grave mistake.



                             Can't sleep?

                                Try counting your blessings.



                                   Cast all your anxiety 

                                 upon him....

                                 for he cares.



                                 Children are not only deductible, they're taxing.



                                Christ is our steering wheel, 

                                    not our spare tire.




                                CH_ _ CH

                                  Means nothing unless

                                   UR in it !




                             C H _ _ C H

                                      What is missing ???

                              U R



                                         Church Parking:  For members only ! 

                                           Trespassers will be baptized.



                                   Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous.



                                        Come and work for the Lord.

                                    The work is hard,

                                     the hours are long and the pay

                               is low.  But the retirement

                                 benefits are out of this world.



                                    Come early for a good Back-Seat !!



                                       Come in and pray today !

                                       Beat the Christmas rush !



                                    Come near to God 

                                      and he will come near to you.



                                     "C'mon over and bring the kids."




                                    Delay is preferable to error.



                                     Don't confuse what can't be done 

                                 with what hasn't been done.



                           Don't give up...!!

                              Moses was once a basket case !



                      Don't let the littleness of others

                     bring out the littleness in you.



                                Don't let the sun

                                 keep you from the son.



                                   Don't let your worries get the best of you.

                               Remember, Moses started out as a basket case.



                            Don't like church?

                              What will you do in heaven?



                                   Don't put a question mark

                                     where God put a period.



                                Don't put your

                               salvation in layaway.

                                                                                         (for the Christmas season)



                                   Don't speak unless 

                                     you can improve on the silence.



                                      Don't wait for six strong men 

                                     to take you to church !



                                  Don't wait for the hearse

                                to take you to church !



                                   Download your worries.....

                                   get online with God.




                                        Dusty Bibles lead to dirty lives.



                                   Eternity:  Smoking or Non-Smoking ??



                                  Exercise daily.

                                Walk with the Lord !!



                                    Every time you speak, 

                                   your mind is on display.



                                     Every time you turn green with envy,

                                 you are ripe for trouble.



                                    Faith can move mountains,

                                    but don't be surprised

                                       if God hands you a shovel !



                                   Faith is the bird

                                   who sings while it is

                                  still dark.



                                          Faith makes things possible....

                                    not easy.



                                Faith takes the word 


                                out of our vocabulary.



                                 Fear knocked.

                                 Faith answered.



                                  Fight truth decay.

                                     Study the Bible daily.



                                For God so loved the world

                                that he did not send a committee.



                               Forbidden fruits create many jams.



                                Forget yourself for others, 

                              and others will not forget you.



                                   Free trip to Heaven...

                                 Details inside !



                             G A P

                                   God Answers Prayers !



                                 Gentle words turn away wrath.



                                   Give God what's right, not what's left !



                                         Give Satan an inch and he'll be a ruler.



                                   Give your troubles to me...

                                  I'm up all night anyway ! 

                                                     ( God )



                              GOD = God On Demand



                                   God answers...knee-mail. 



                                   God built us a bridge with

                                   two sticks and three nails.



                                     God doesn't call the qualified,

                                 He qualifies the called.



                                     God doesn't give you anything

                              you can't handle.



                                   God doesn't want shares of your life.

                                He wants controlling interest.



                                    God grades on the cross, not the curve.



                                        God is an 


                                           (equal opportunity creator)

                                                                                                            (Terry Hale)



                                      God is for you....

                                       Jesus is with you....

                                        the Holy Spirit is in you.



                                      God is like ALLSTATE.....

                                       You're in good hands with HIM.



                                      God is like Bayer Aspirin...HE works miracles.



                            God is like a Coke....HE's the real thing.



                             God is like DELTA Airlines....HE's ready when you are.



                                  God is like DIAL soap....

                                 Aren't you glad you have HIM.  Don't you wish everybody did?



                                 God is like a Ford......HE's got a better idea.



                                    God is like General Electric.....HE brings 

                                good things to life.



                                         God is like Hallmark Cards....HE cares enough 

                                     to send his very best !



                               God is like Life cereal....Try HIM, you'll like HIM.



                         God is like Scotch Tape....

                           You can't see HIM...but you know HE's there.



                              God is like Sears....HE has everything.



                                God is like Tide....HE gets the stains out 

                         that others leave behind.



                           God is like VO-5 hairspray....

                                HE holds through all kinds of weather.



                                       God loves everyone, but probably prefers

                                     "fruits of the spirit" over "religious nuts " !



                                           God loves you whether you like it or not !



                                   God promises a safe landing,

                                  not a calm passage.



                                   God sees us as we can be,

                                    but loves us as we are.



                                   God promises grace, to each one of us,

                                   strength if we falter, peace if we trust.



                                God's Favorite Department

                                  Lost & Found



                                    Gone to prepare a place for you

                                        be back soon...   



                                  Gone to visit Father.

                                  Be back soon.




                                 God wants to be your first choice

                              not your last resort.



                                        Happy Father's Day !  

                                   Especially you, God !

                                                                                                      (saying for "Father's Day)



                                     "Have you read my #1 best seller? 

                                There will be a test."




                                   Having truth decay ?

                                   Brush up on your Bible !



                                        He who angers you, controls you !



                                  He who gives

                                   when he is asked

                                    has waited too long.



                                     He who is good at making excuses

                                        is seldom good for anything else.



                                     He who kneels before God

                                    can stand before anyone !



                                      He who serves two masters has to lie to one.



                                      Help the needy....and God will help you.



                                     HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER




                                     How will you spend eternity ?

                                      Smoking or Non-Smoking ?



                                   I am the Christian...Satan warned you about !!



                                      I broke a rule...I prayed in school.

                                        (real menace to society)




                                   "I love you...

                                     I love you...

                                              I love you... !!"     




                                        I pray....get used to it !!!



                                   "I saw that."




                                        If God brings you to it....

                                       He will bring you through it. 



                                        If God is your co-pilot....

                                    swap seats !



                                   If it all ended today....

                                   would you need fire insurance?



                                  If you are looking for faults

                                 use a mirror...not a telescope.



                                     If you are going to worry....don't pray !

                                     If you are going to pray....don't worry !



                                   If you are looking for a sign from God....

                           This is it !!

                                               (seen on a sign in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan)



                           If you don't like the way you were born,

                              try being born again.




                          If you give the devil a ride

                                 he always ends up driving.



                                   If you're headed in the wrong direction,

                               God does allow U-turns !



                                  In the dark, follow the Son.



                                  In the sentence of life the Devil may be a comma,

                              but DO NOT let him be the PERIOD !



                               Irony is man's inability to understand

                              God's sense of humor.

                                                                  (Mel Thanker)



                                Is God your CEO ?



                                      It is unlikely there'll be

                                   a reduction in the wages of sin.



                                     It is wiser to choose what you say 

                                  than to say what you choose.



                              It's hard to stumble

                              when you're down on your knees.



                                   It's not a shame 

                                  having just one talent....

                                  the shame is not using it.




                                   God's gift of love. 



                                    Jesus is the turning point.



                                      "Keep using my name in vain 

                                             and I'll make the rush hour longer".    




                                        Kind words are music to a broken heart.



                                          Kindness is difficult to give away

                                         because it keeps coming back !



                                    Knowing without doing 

                                         is like plowing without sowing.    



                                    Learn from yesterday....

                                 live for today....

                                  hope for tomorrow.



                                       "Let's meet at my house Sunday, 

                                            before the game."    




                                 Life has many choices.

                             Eternity has two.

                               What's yours?


                                Life is fragile.

                                 Handle with prayer.



                                     Lift your eyes of faith 

                                     and see the One 

                                       who came to set us free.



                                        Live for the man who died for you.



                                       Live right the Preacher....

                                        won't have to lie at your funeral.



                           Lord....we trust in you.



                                    Love is measured by sacrifice; 

                               Jesus gave His all.



                                   "Loved the wedding, 

                                   invite me to the marriage".




                               Man creates the distance...

                                Jesus builds the bridge.



                                  Man's way leads to a hopeless end !

                                  God's way leads to an endless hope !



                                  May is God's apology for February.



                                      Money is a good servant but a terrible Master.



                               Most entanglements 

                             are caused by vocal cords.



                                     Most people want to serve God,

                                     but only in an advisory capacity.



                                 Mothers are handicapped....

                            they have but two hands.



                                  Mothers write on the hearts of children 

                                 what the world's rough hands cannot erase.



                                  Need Directions ??




                                  Never give the devil a ride.

                                He will always want to drive !



                                    No coupons needed....

                                 we have savings every day!



                                  No gift is a substitute for yourself.



                                  No God...No peace.

                              Know God...Know peace.



                                No one was there.

                               For all you do, His blood's for you !



                                         No person really lives until he learns to love. 



                                  Nobody bruises as easily

                                   but heals as quickly as a child.



                                      Nothing ruins the truth like stretching it !



                                  Only God is in a position

                                    to look down on people.



                                        Our job is not to see through one another;

                                       but, to see one another through.



                                        Peace starts with a smile.



                                   People are like tea bags...

                                  you have to put them in hot water

                                   before you know how strong they are.



                                 " Pray " is a four letter word

                                 that you can say anywhere

                                (except in a public school).




                                   Don't give God instructions....

                                 just report for duty !



                              Prayer will give you a

                            CALM - PLEX.



                                       Praying is without it is harder.



                                  Preach the gospel at all times.

                                 Use words if necessary.



                                   Profanity is the use of 

                                     strong words by weak people.



                                Psalms Read Here

                                                                                    (take-off on Palm Reading)



                                  PUSH:  Pray Until Something Happens !



                                Read the Bible....

                                  It will scare the Hell out of you !



                                    Real love is helping someone 

                                    who can never return the favor.



                         Running low on faith?

                       Stop in for a fill-up !



                                Searching for a new look?

                              Have your faith lifted here!



                                  Seniors can whine, recline or shine !



                                 Seven days without GOD makes one weak.



                                  Sign broken...Message inside !



                               Smile...God loves you ! 



                                 Some days you're a bug 

                                 and some days you're a windshield.



                                    Some people know how to say nothing, 

                                but few know when.



                                     Sorrow looks back, worry looks around, Faith looks up.



                                   Spur one another on 

                                 towards love and good deeds.



                                    Staring up to admire your own halo

                                  will give you a pain in the neck. 



                                       Take time to hear God's voice...

                                     to see His work...

                                   to feel his love.



                                     That ‘Love thy neighbor’ thing, 

                                        I meant it”!        



                                The bible is the only book

                              where the author is always present

                              whenever it is read.



                                   The devil's no treat !

                                                         (seen on a sign during Halloween season)



                                    The fruit of the spirit is love.

                                     Therefore encourage one another 

                                   and hold each other up.



                               The greatest of all faults

                               is to imagine that you have none.



                                 The next time Satan tries to remind you

                               of your past,

                              remind him...of his future.



                                        The task ahead of us is never as great

                                    as the Power behind us.



                                   The ten commandments

                                   are not multiple choice.



                                    The trouble with happiness

                                     is that it can't buy money.



                          The wages of sin is death.

                         Repent before payday.



                                    The will of God will never take you

                                  to where the Grace of God 

                              will not protect you.



                                   The words we say will teach 

                                  if we practice what we preach.



                                   There has never been a creation without a creator!



                                         This church is " Prayer Conditioned " !!



                                      To be almost saved is to be totally lost.



                                  To belittle is to be little.



                                    Triumph is just "umph" 

                                   added to "try".



                                     True love is willing to help people 

                              even if it hurts them.



                                 Trust me...

                                 I have everything 

                                under control.




                             Try Jesus.

                                  If you don't like Him,

                                   the devil will always take you back.



                                       Try our Sundays.

                                                They are better than Baskin-Robbins.



                                        Wal-Mart isn't the only saving place !




                                 Exposure to the Son may prevent burning !



                                Watch your step carefully.

                              Everyone else does !



                               We can always live on less

                               when we have more to live for.



                                We don't change the message.

                             The message changes us.



                                  We may not be DQ...

                                 but we have great Sundays!



                                "We need to talk."




                                We set the sail.

                             God makes the wind.



                            We should be more concerned

                          with Rock of Ages,

                            instead of age of rocks.



                                    We're too blessed to be depressed.



                                 What part of ...

                                 " Thou Shalt Not "...

                                     didn't you understand?   




                                What God initiates....God completes.



                                     Whatever God asks you to lift... 

                                     he gives you the grace to carry.




                              When God ordains,

                               He sustains.



                                  When in doubt.... pray.



                                  When it comes

                                   to doing things for others,

                                  some people stop at nothing.



                                        When the world has you on your knees

                                           and do no know what to do....LOOK UP !!



                                       When you get to your wit's end, 

                                   you'll find GOD lives there.



                                     When you help others to grow,

                                 you grow yourself.



                                     Where we go and what we do 

                                   advertises who we are.



                                 Whisper prayers to HIM...HE is ALWAYS listening.




                                 "Will the road you are on 

                                       get you to my house?"  




                               Wisdom has two parts:

                               1 ) Having a lot to say.

                      2 )  Not saying it.



                                      With God's grace,

                                     you can do everything.



                                    Worry is the darkroom

                                       in which " negatives " are developed.



                                        Worry is interest paid on trouble before it is due.


                                      You can give without loving but you 

                                       cannot love without giving.



                                   You can tell how big a person is

                                    by what it takes to discourage them.



                                  You cannot spell sin or pride

                                 without " I " being in the middle.



                                     YOU GO GOD !!!



                                       You must pay for your sins.

                                      If you have already paid,

                                       please disregard this notice.



                                    "You think it's hot here?" 




                               You're not a failure...

                                  unless you don't get up when you fall.



                                 1 Cross + 3 Nails = 4 Given


                                  Many thanks to Terry Hale who has sent 

                                      me many of these Church Marquees as he has 

                            traveled across the country.


                         Thanks also to Frank Acosta for sending me

                       so many of these sayings for this site.


                                View some more sayings for God, Church, Faith, Love, 

                            Angels, Bible Verses, Prayers,  and Heaven

                               at my "Little Sayings" website !


                                          E-mail me if you have a church marquee to add to this page.

                              Visit my Homepage

                                         Visit my other pages also...

                        Little Sayings....Poems...Special Days Calendar

                         Return to Jellybeans        

                         updated 4/18/2009

                           Every effort has been made to give credit to the authors of the material used on this site.

                         Please let me know if an error has been made, and I will 

                     gladly make the necessary changes asap. ~Deanie~