
(This page is dedicated to my cousin Earl -- who taught me a lot about fishing....

which I LOVE!!   ~Deanie~)



A fisherman is a jerk on one end of the line

waiting for a jerk on the other.




A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,

doesn't know what a patient man she married !




                                                    1.    There is no such thing as too much equipment.

                                                    2.    When in doubt, exaggerate.

                                                    3.    Even the best lines get weak after they have been used a few times.

                                                    4.    Sometimes you really have to squirm to get off the hook.

                                                    5.    The fishing is always better on the other side of the lake.

                                                    6.    Good things come to those who wade.







           (I saw this on a barn wood sign depicting a fisherman)



Early to bed

Early to rise

Fish all day

Tell big lies


FISH: an animal that grows the fastest

between the time it's caught

and the time the fisherman

describes it to his friends.









Fisherman's Prayer

Lord help me to catch 

a fish so large 

that even I in the tell of it 

never need to lie...



Fishy, fishy in the brook,

come and bite my dainty hook.


Fishy, fishy in the brook,

get your hiney on my hook !


Fishy, fishy in the brook,

Papa catch him on a hook,

Mama fry him in a pan,

Baby eat him like a man.

(seen on a quilt in an Alaskan gift shop)


Fishing isn't a matter of life and death....

It's much more important. 


Fishing with Suckers...Sucks !

                          (Grim Reaper Lures bumpersticker)




Give a man a fish 

and he will eat for a day...

Teach a man to fish 

and he will sit in a boat 

and drink beer all day...


Give a man a fish, feed him for a day...

Teach a man to fish, you get rid of him for the weekend.






      (I saw this saying on a t-shirt)






I hate to boast,

but I caught the most!




If people concentrated on the REALLY important things in life....

there would be a shortage of fishing poles !










Men and fish are alike....

they both get into trouble

when they open their mouths.


Men shouldn't fish with women because

they always beat them.  Women are at their best

when fishing -- no matter what.








                                          ( my personal favorite --- Deanie)









        (I saw this on a sign with a mixed-up jumble of fishing tackle)



The Three Rules of Fishing

1.  Bait your own hook.

2.  Clean your own fish.

3.  Tell your own lies.




There's a fine line between fishing....

and standing on the shore like an idiot !




To fish is human,

to throw back is divine.


To fish or not to fish...


Yea...like that's even an option !




Landlubbers by Appointment !!


(saw this on a sign with a picture of a "big" fish)




E-mail me if you have other sayings to add to this page.

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updated 4/11/2009

             Every effort has been made to give credit to the authors of the material used on this site.

             Please let me know if an error has been made, and I will gladly make the necessary changes asap. ~Deanie~