
This page is dedicated to my best friend "Lindy".  

We known each other since 1980 and she has been such

a unique and creative person.  

She is the first person I lean on...when things go wacky in my life.



A companion loves some agreeable qualities 

which a man may possess,

A friend loves the man himself.


A friend will bail you out of jail,

but a best friend will be sitting next to you saying,

"Damn, that was fun!"


A force stronger than peer pressure.

You don't choose your friends. 

You can't  force it to happen...and you can't stop it. 

Friends can come from the most unexpected places

and you'll love them all the more for it.   


              My friends came from all clichés, sides of the tracks, 

and dark alleys......and the ones that every one says not to be friends with.....

are the ones who need friends the most.  


Friend to friend, I will be there to the end, be it bitter or be it sweet, 

I think that it is really, really neat! 

That angels should be so close that we should have been each other. 


All I have to say is thank GOD he sent me to the right path, 

long or yet short, straight or even winding.


Even if it would have taken me one hundred million years to find you. 

A friend so sweet I know is rare,  that I would never ever mind you being there. 

Thank God you were...or I might have not even be here!! 


You taught me one of life's best lessons. 

Help every one you can, for life is to short, be grateful for every day you have.

Even if it is in pain, sadness, despair or happiness. 


I love you forever....don’t you ever forget 

or I will have failed one of my most important quest in life .

Your friend always.

 This is to all my friends, relatives and even enemies.

Male or female please learn this lesson.

 Finding out that I had cancer almost killed me.

 If it had it would have been sad..........for I would not have learned this lesson 

or would have not been able to write this.

                                                                                               (sent to me by Cheryl Lyn (Coop) (Jeppesen) Carreau)     



A friend asks only for your time

not your money.




A friend is a person who goes around

saying nice things about you 

behind your back.



A Friend is Always There


A friend is always there.

She listens when others seem not to care.

She comforts in times of need and despair.

She laughs when you have special joy to share.

She lifts the clouds from dark to fair.

She answers your call, no matter when, no matter where.

She has spirit, she has faith, she includes you in prayer.

She is special, she is unique, she is oh so rare.

My friend is always there.

                       (written by Judith A. Bittner-1982)

                                        (copyrighted 1989)



A friend is like a flower...

a rose to be exact.

Or maybe...like a brand new gate

that never comes unlatched.

A friend is like an owl

both beautiful and wise.

Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost,

whose spirit never dies.

A friend is like those blades of grass 

you can never mow standing 

straight, tall and proud in a perfect little row.

A friend is like a heart that goes strong

until the end.

Where would we be in this world

if we didn't have a friend.


A  friend is one to whom on may pour

out all the contents of one's heart,

chaff and grain together...knowing that the

gentlest of hands will take and sift it,

keep what is worth keeping

and with the breath of kindness

blow the rest away.

                                (Author Unknown)


A friend is one who knows my song....

and sings it to me when I forget.

      (sent in by a visitor to this site...she said it was a sign in the shape of a musical note)


A friend is not a fellow

who is taken in by sham.

A friend is one who knows your faults,

and doesn't give a damn.

                                 (this was seen on an old 1940's greeting card)


A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart

and can sing it back to you when you have

forgotten the words.





A friend is someone who knows our faults,

yet find our virtues too...!!


                                                    (C. Raymond Beran)


A friend is someone who reaches for your hand, 

but touches your heart.


                                        (I saw this saying on a quilt wall-hanging)


                                       (Henry van Dyke)


A friend listens to what you say,

a true friend listens to what you don't.




A friend will ride in the limo with you,

but a true friend will take the bus with you

when the limo breaks down.





      (Old Chinese Proverb)


A lot of people come and go through your life,

some fake and some real.

It's the one that stay with you through

thick and thin that you can count on in the end.


A memory lasts forever,

and never does it die.

True friends stay together

and never say goodbye.



A real friend is one who overlooks your broken down gate,

an admires the flowers in your garden...!


A real friend is one who walks in

when the rest of the world walks.


A ring is round it has no end,

and that's how long

you will be my friend.

                                     (Melonie Mitchell)




A true friend is someone

who knows the real you...

and loves you anyways.


A true friend is someone

you can sit with, not say a word,

and feel like you had the best 

conversation in the world.





All friends bring happiness.

Some when they arrive, others as they leave.


Always remember to shake hands

when you meet someone

because it is an ancient Israelite custom.

It signifies peace,

swears alliance and promises friendship.

                                                           (Olivia Condon Ireland)


Anyone can stand by you when you're right,

but a true friend will stick by you,

even when you are wrong.


As sunshine turns a flower's head toward heaven,

so your friendship lifts my spirits.


As we go on, we remember,

all the times we had together, 

and as our lives change, 

from whatever,

we will still be,

Friends forever !


Be good to your friends

and evil to your enemies.




Best friends are like four-leaf clovers....

Hard to find but lucky to have!


Best friends you and me.

We'll be together till the end,

and when we die we will meet in Heaven.

We will always be together.


Blessings are not counted in gold or dividends, 

but by the love we share with family and friends.


Blessings come in many ways,

the nicest come as friends.


Boyfriends are the ones who break our hearts.

Best friends are the ones who pick up the pieces.


Close to my heart you'll always be...

Friends from the start...

My sister and me.



Come set at my table

With a spot of tea

and homemade cookies

So happy we'll be.


Count your life by smiles, not tears.

Count your age by friends, not years.


Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.

Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.

Walk beside me and be my friend.

(Albert Camus)



(Elizabeth Shane)


Everyone hears what you say.

Friends listen to what you say.

Best friends listen to what you don't say.


Few delights can equal the mere 

presence of one whom we trust utterly.

                          (George MacDonald)


Forever love,

forever care,

my best friend,

is always there.




What is a friend?

A friend is loyal,

A friend is kind.

It's very hard to define.

A friend can be silly,

But knows when to stop.

A friend is something that can never be topped.

They listen to others,

They listen to you.

They help pick you up when your feeling blue.

They talk, you listen

You talk and they understand.

Whatever problems you come to and face,

A friend is there to help pick up the pace.

A friend knows the quality of what's inside you.

The last and most important thing a friend should be,

 My friend should value my friendship and me.

(written by friends Amy Blanton, Lauren Eich, Jana Abbott and Samantha Frederick 

when they were 14 yrs. old during a sleep over--- sent to me after visiting my site.      ~Deanie~)


Friends are angels....who lift us to our feet...

when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.



Friends are friends forever

if the lord is the Lord of them,

and a friend will not say never

because the welcome will not end.

Though it's hard to let you go

in the father's hands we know,

that a life times not to long to live as friends.


(this passage comes from a song called "Friends' that

a 13 year old young lady sent to me...she said her

mother sang this song in church)





Friends are like 4-leaf clovers...

Hard to find and lucky to have !!


Friends are like siblings

that God forgot to give us.


Friends are like stars you don't always see them

but you know there always there.


Friends are like stars.

They come and go,

but the ones that stay,

are the ones that glow.


Friends are like "wedgies".

They know your inner-self.

They're intimately close

and it's always nice to pick out a good one.


Friends are made in wine

and proved in tears.



Friends are priceless.

Popularity is cheap.



Friends are quiet angels

who lift us to our feet

when our wings have trouble

remembering how to fly.





Friends are the sparkling brooks 

that flow through our lives.

(Walt Whitman)




Friends forever,

right from the start,

caring and sharing,

from the heart. 


Friends forever,

Guys whenever !



F - is for forgiveness

R - is for respect

I - is for intelligence

E - is for eternal friendship

N - is for need for one another

D - is for dumb mistakes

S - is for the sticking up for each other.

FRIENDSHIP - is for 2 of US !!





Friends don't let friends drink...

and take home an ugly man!


Friends fill your life with joy,

your soul with sunshine,

and your heart with love.


Friends forever right from the start;

caring and sharing from the heart.





                                    (I saw this on a t-shirt painted with beehives)



Friends may not be able to see the truth,

it's lies they always seem to figure out.


Friends seem to be like aspirin:

We don't really know why they 

make a sick person better...

but they do.




Friends today are like melons;

We must try fifty before we can find a good one.


Friends walk in and out of your life,

the real ones are those who leave

footprints in your heart.


Friends we are,

Friends we'll be,

Friends forever,

You and me.



We can cry during sad times,

we can laugh during happy times 

but most important

were there for each other.

That's what friendships are all about.


Friends, you and me.

You brought another friend,

There were three.

We started our group.

Our circle of friends.

And like the circle

There is no end.


Friendship consists in forgetting what one gives, 

and remembering what one receives.

                                                         (Alexandre Dumas)







Friendship is like a bank account.  

You can't continue to draw on it without making deposits.


Friendship is like looking over a cliff , not knowing what you'll see , 

tree tops or rock bottom but whatever it is you know its right . 


Friendship is like a seed if you plant it,

it won't grow, but if you love and nurture it,

it will become a beautiful flower.




Friendship is so precious...

it can't be bought with silver and gold.

Yet friendship everywhere abounds

for loving hearts to hold.



Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain.

It's not something you learn in school.

But if you haven't learned the meaning

of friend you really haven't learned anything.




                                            (Franklin Owen)




God never loved me in so sweet a way until 

HE brought thee to me and said Behold thy friend.






                                                      (Jaycee Alford)


Good friends are like stars,

you don't always see them,

but you know they are always there.







Heart to heart we'll always be,

Best of friends, you and me.


                           (Nigerian Proverb)


How can you just be friends with someone

when every time you look at them

it makes you want them more ?


How good it feels the hand of an old friend.




I asked God for a flower, he gave me a garden. 

I asked for a friend he gave me you!


I believe in angels...

the ones heaven sends.

I am surrounded by angels...

they are my best friends.


I got your back....you got mine.

I'll help you out....anytime.

To see you hurt....to see you cry,

Makes me weep....and wanna die.

And if you agree....to never fight,

It wouldn't matter....who's wrong or right.

If a broken heart....needs a mend,

I'll be here....to the end.

If your cheeks are wet....from drops of tears,

Don't you worry....let go of your fears.

Hand in hand....love is sent,

We'll be friends....till the end.


I met you as a stranger,

I leave you as a friend.

I hope we meet in heaven,

Where friendship never ends.


I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me;

I'd like to be the help that you've been always glad to be;

I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day,

as you have meant old friend of mine, to me along the way.

                                      (Edgar A. Guest)


If all my friends were to jump off a bridge,

I wouldn't jump with them,

I'd be at the bottom to catch them.


If I am your friend

then keep me so,

and let me not your secrets know.

For if "I" your friend become your foe,

then all the world your secrets know.

(One of my visitors to my site sent this to me and explained that 

her grandmother always used this when she was a young girl).


If I had a flower every time I thought of you,

I could walk in my garden...forever.



If friends are the flowers in the garden of life, 

you are an entire bouquet !!


If friends were flowers...

I'd pick a bunch like you.


If luck is a raindrop I'd send you a shower.

If hope is a minute....... I'd send you an hour.

If happiness is a leaf ....I'd give you a tree 

and if you need a friend

you'll always have me!


If you live to be a hundred,

I want to live to be a hundred minus one day,

so I never have to live without you.



                                                   (Stone Temple Pilots)



If you're feeling sad, call me.

I don't promise you that I will make you laugh,

but I can cry with you.


I'll lean on you

and you lean on me

and we'll be okay.

                                           (Dave Matthews Band)



In the crazy quilt of life,

I'm glad that I've got you!



It is one of the blessings of an old friend

that you can afford to be stupid with them.


I've had many friends with whom I've shared my time,

but very few with whom I've shared my heart.



Love may come and then go,

but true friends are the greatest love you 

could ever hold.


Lovers may reach for your hands,

then eventually loosen their grip.

Friends reach for your heart

but never let go.



Make new friends...

(this was a suggestion from a visitor who said this

was part of a Girl Scout song - picture of two

snowmen putting a third one together)


Make new friends,
but keep the old.
One is silver,
the other is gold.


A circle is round,
it has no end.
That's how long,
I want to be your friend.


A fire burns bright,
it warms the heart.
We've been friends,
from the very start.


You have one hand,
I have the other.
Put them together,
We have each other.


Silver is precious,
Gold is too.
I am precious,
and so are you.


You help me,
and I'll help you
and together
we will see it through.


The sky is blue
The Earth is green
I can help
to keep it clean


Across the land
Across the sea
Friends forever
We will always be. 

                                   (Girl Scout Song)


Many people will walk in and out of your life,

But only true friends leave footprints in your heart.

                              (Eleanor Roosevelt)


My father always used to say that when you die,

if you've got five real friends,

then you've had a great life.

(Lee Iacocca)


My friends are little lamps to me;  

Their radiance warms and cheers my way.

                                                        (Elizabeth Whittemore)


Never exaggerate your faults...

your friends will attend to that ~!


New friends are silver,

Old friends are golden !!!!


No friendship can cross the path of our destiny

without leaving some mark on it forever.



Of all the friends I've ever met,

you're the one I won't forget.

And if I die before you do,

I'll go to heaven and wait for you.

I'll give the angels back their wings

and risk the loss of everything,

just to prove my friendship is true.

I'm thankful to have friends like you.


Of all the gems on this earth,

friends are the most precious !


Of course there is such things as angels.

Only sometimes they don't have wings...

and we call them friends !



One of the greatest pleasures of friendship...

is doing something nice for someone...

who never finds out who did it.


( great idea for giving something to a secret pal )



Pick your friends

like you pick your fruit.


Real friends are those who,

when you make a fool of yourself,

don't think you've done a permanent job.




So many laughs through the years,

so many stories I hope nobody hears.

I'll always be by your side,

best friends forever....till the day I die!


Sometimes a library of words 

can't say what a hug from a friend can.


Sometimes I wonder...where would I be if 

I never met you and you never met me?

Who would I laugh and cry with until the end?

Where would I be without you girl?

You are my one true best friend!


Sow the seeds of kindness...

and reap a bounty of friends.



                                                       (Louisa May Alcott)



Tears, giggles, smiles & laughs, 

late night calls & cute photographs.

I’ll be there for you until the day of my death.

Best pals forever until my very last breath.



The best kind of friend is the one 

you could sit on a porch with,

never saying a word,

and walk away feeling like

that was the best conversation you've had.





The friend given you by circumstances

over which you have no control was God's own gift.

                              (Frederick Robertson)




The only thing better than a good friend...

is a good friend with a bag of M & M's...!!


The ornaments of the house

are the friends that frequent it.




The truth is,

friendship is every bit as sacred and eternal as marriage.


There are good ships

and there are wood ships.

The ships that sail the sea.

But the best ships are friendships

and may they ever be.



There are not many things in life so beautiful as true friendship,

and not many things more uncommon.


There's a Miracle called Friendship

That dwells within the Heart,

And you don't know how it happens 

Or when it gets its start.

But the happiness it brings you

Always gives a special lift,

And you realize that Friendship

Is God's precious gift.

                              (Author Unknown)


There's enough warmth in a friend's hug

to warm up the coldest day...!


Time may pass and we may part,

but true friends stay close at heart !



To the house of a friend....

the road is never long.



True friends are like diamonds...

precious and rare.

False friends are like leaves...

scattered everywhere.


True friends are loving,

true friends care,

and in the end the true friends are always there.


True friends are the ones that you never miss until they are gone,

and then you want nothing more than to have them back.

Hold onto these people; they're priceless ~!~


True friends can never part because it

causes too much pain for the heart.



True friendship is like a glow-in-the-dark sticker.

It gets brighter as the world around us gets darker.


True friendship is like sound health;

the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.

                                       (Charles Caleb Colton)


Two persons cannot long be friends

if they cannot forgive each other's little failings.

(Jean de La Fontaine)


Violets are blue,

Friends for eternity,

Me and You!


We all take different paths in life, but no matter

where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.

                                 (Tim McGraw)


We may fight, we may cry,

but my love for you will never die.

I'll care for you until the end, because you are

my best friend.


What brings joy to the heart is not so much the friend's gift,

but the friend's love.




                       (John Ray)



When it hurts to look back,

and your scared to look ahead,

you can look beside you

and your best friends will be there.


When life is hard, God sends us an angel 

in the form of a friend.


When we are young,

friends are taken for granted.

When we are old, we know what it means to have them.

                           (Edvard Grieg)


Whenever people start talking bad stuff about you,

it's the best time to find out who your true friends are.

Your true friends will be by your side no matter

what other people think or say.


Written with a pen,

sealed with a kiss,

If you are my friend,

answer me this....

Are we friends? Or are we not?

You told me once....but I forgot.

So tell me now...and tell me true,

So I can say...."I'm here for you."

Of all the friends I've ever met,

You are the one I won't forget.

And if I die before you do,

I'll go to heaven and wait for you.

I'll give the angels back their wings,

and risk the loss of everything.

There isn't a think that I would do,

to have a friend...just like YOU!



You can make more friends in two months

by becoming interested in other people

that you can in two years

by trying to get other people

interested in you.

                                      (Dale Carnegie)


You helped me laugh,

you dried my tears,

because of you I have no tears.

Together we live,

together we grow,

teaching each other what we must know.

You came in my life,

and I was blessed,

thank you friend...you are the best.

Release my hand and say goodbye,

please my friend, don't you cry.

I promise you this is not the end,

because like I said,

your my friend.

                                      (Makayla A.)



Your friend is your field which you sow with love and

reap with thanksgiving.....

                                                 (Kahlil Gibran)


You're my cup of tea.

May your days be steeped with joy

and warmed with love.

       (This saying was sent in by a visitor to site...she has it on a card with teapots on it)


E-mail me if you have other sayings to add to this page.

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updated 4/11/09

             Every effort has been made to give credit to the authors of the material used on this site.

             Please let me know if an error has been made, and I will gladly make the necessary changes asap. ~Deanie~