

Note:     The creation of this website was due to 

my need to find a "cute" saying for a garden sign.  

My mom is an avid gardener and I wanted

 to paint a sign for her that she could put in her garden.

I wanted to find that "perfect little saying"....and

 I couldn't find what I was looking for.

SO.....in 1999.......I created this website...

to help others find sayings easily. 



A beautiful garden is your reward 

for doing God's yard work.


A garden bench along the walk

Invites good friends to sit and talk.

                                              (Bonnie Beaux)



(ex: three bears walking with flowers)




                                     (James Lowell)






As we come in from the garden at summer's end,

we must harvest and purify our intentions.

We must continue to grow inwardly.









Count your garden by the flowers,

never by the leaves that fall.

Count your days by garden hours,

don't remember clouds at all.

Count your nights by stars, not shadows.

Count your years with smiles, not tears.

Count your blessing, not your troubles.

Count your age by friends, not by years.



You know then taters got eyes !


Don't kiss over the garden gate.

Love is blind....but the neighbor's ain't !


Double Delight absorbs the light

And greets the day with her dazzling display.

                                                             (Bonnie Beaux)








   (I saw this on a t-shirt depicting cats in a garden)



Garden angel.....hear me pray,

Protect my garden....night and day.


Garden angel.......hear my prayer,

watch over my garden...with loving care.


Garden fairies come at dawn.

Bless the flowers then they're gone.








Garden of Wildflowers

(I saw this sign at a wildflower preserve)



Garden Party

(this is what a visitor to this site stenciled on her garden shed...)



Garden Sweet Garden



Garden Treasures

(this is another addition to her garden shed in the future...see above)





      Gardening:  A labor that begins with daybreak 

            and  ends with back break.








Gerberas... Are Nature's Ballerinas.  

                                                (Bonnie Beaux)


Get some color in those cheeks,

garden naked.



GONE TO POT ....!!!

(A visitor to my site said they write these on the shutter louvers for their garden store.  

They also have an outhouse where they keep

garden accessories with a big sign on it that says  GONE TO POT !!     ~Deanie~)






How beautiful it is to do nothing

and then rest afterwards.


(saying by Ruth Stout who said working in the garden 

gave her a profound feeling of inner peace)



I asked God for a flower, he gave me a garden. 

I asked for a friend he gave me you!




I have a rock garden...

Last week...three of them died.


I used to love my garden, 

but now it fills me with dread, 

for I found a bachelor's button

in my Lazy Susan bed.


I would plant my own garden

but you can't buy French Fry seeds !!



If I had a flower for every time I think of you...

I would walk forever in my garden.


If you have a mind at peace, 

a heart that cannot harden, 

go find a door that opens wide

 upon a lovely garden.


(this was sent in by a visitor to my site who used this

saying on the invitation for her

 Garden ~ Renewal of Vows for 25 years of marriage)


If you want to be happy for an hour, have a party.

If you want to be happy for a week, kill your pig and eat it.

But if you want to be happy all your life,

become a gardener.

                                                            (Chinese saying)







                                                  (French Proverb)


(this was on a sign held by an bunny angel)


          (I saw this on a sign with watermelons painted on it)



"Living is not enough," said the butterfly,

"One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower".

                                      (Hans Christian Anderson)





May the sun always shine on your windowpane;

May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;

May the hand of a friend always be near you;

May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.

May you always have bluebirds in your garden,

and may each new day bloom brighter that the day before.

                                        (Ida Frame)




(can substitute...Dad...Grandma...Grandpa..etc.)






My heart belongs to my garden...

plant...sow...grow !!

(I saw this on a sign that had a garden angel painted on it)


            My house may be a mess....

   But you should see my garden













Praise is a soul in flower

(Thomas Watson)












       Some people like to make a little garden out of life

and walk down a path.




Sunflowers... are Nature's Optimists. 

                                                    (Bonnie Beaux)





The grass withers...

the flower fades.

But the word of our Lord

stands over.


The kiss of the sun for pardon,

The song of the birds for mirth,

One is nearer God's heart in a garden,

than any  place else on earth.




The path to your hearts desire

is never overgrown.


The perfume of a summer rose

lingers in the folds of angel's wings.



The World is very old...

but in Spring it groweth young again.





  (this was a clothesline with tiny birdhouses)





To plant seeds of happiness...

Just Smile...


         (I saw this on a sign...depicting a hoe, spade, rake)



Weeds for Sale !

Pick your own !




What sweet, sweet delight...

To see my garden...

Morning, noon and night !




When planting this garden....

we left room for Angels to dance.



Who plants a seed beneath the sod,

and waits to see, believes in God.



Wind chimes in your yard 

will serenade garden creatures...

squirrels, fairies and angels.


                                                  (Visitor to my site had this on a quilt she was making)



Workin' in the Garden...!!!

(this was on a sign that was hanging on a front door)


You don't have to wait for someone to bring you flowers...

Plant your garden !


You're never closer to God....

than when you're in your garden.


E-mail me if you have other sayings to add to this page.

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updated 4/17/09

             Every effort has been made to give credit to the authors of the material used on this site.

             Please let me know if an error has been made, and I will gladly make the necessary changes asap. ~Deanie~