

        (I saw this on a sign that depicted a Halloween cat 

hiding in a patch of pumpkins...)


       (I saw this on a t-shirt of a witch holding a kettle)



(this was on a sign that had three bears in Halloween costumes)



(sent in by a visitor to this site--she made a ghost for her porch that was holding a candy dish

for treats and this painted on the sign)


Boo Brothers

(was seen on a sign with two ghosts going trick-or-treating together)




(depicting a spider and a snake in a black pot)



Come in for a bite !!

(was seen on a yard sign with bats on it)


Come in for a "spell"....

(seen on witch yard signs)


(this saying was seen on a sign with a 

crow, scarecrow and corn stalks)


Free Broomrides !!


Ghost Crossing

(seen on a sign with a bunch of ghost crossing a street)


Ghost Post

(seen on a fence post sign with ghosts on it)



Gone Haunting...!!

Back at 12:00

(was a sign that has jack-o-lantern pumpkins, a moon with witch silhouette)


Hang around for a "spell"....

(seen on witch yard signs)


Happy Halloween...

whatever you are !!



(this was seen on a sign with a witch 

on a broom....moon in background)


I do believe in ghosts.

I do, I do, I do !!


I thought I'd like to be a witch,

so I tried it for a spell....


(seen on a sign with a baby mummy)


(this was seen on a sign that had ghosts painted on it


(I saw this on a sign with three witches in a row...)



(this saying was seen with a little witch included with it)




Alone at last...



Spider Cider

(sent in by a visitor who made a witch doll stirring a pot with this written on the side of the pot)




There is magic in the night,

when pumpkins glow with candlelight.


Trick or Treat...

Be so sweet...

Give me something...

Good to eat !!!


Trick or Treat !

Give me something good to eat.

Give me candy.

Give me cake.

Give me something sweet to take.


    (I saw this on t-shirt painted with a little ghost on it...)


E-mail me if you have other sayings to add to this page.

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updated 4/17/09

             Every effort has been made to give credit to the authors of the material used on this site.

             Please let me know if an error has been made, and I will gladly make the necessary changes asap. ~Deanie~