


A  husband is living proof

that a wife can take a joke !


A husband is someone who takes out the trash

and give the impression he just cleaned the whole house !!




Do you want the man of the house

or the woman who knows everything?




Hang on to your husband.

He might come back in fashion.








If a husband would treat his wife as though

she were a thoroughbred...

she'd never turn into an old nag!!!


If more husbands were self starters,

They're wife wouldn't have to be a crank !


If we can send one man to the moon...

why can't we send them all !


I'm the boss of the house

and I have my wife's permission to say so !!



Men are idiots

and I married their KING !

(seen on a bumper sticker)


My hubby says he is going to leave 

if I keep spending so much time on the computer.

I am sure going to miss him!




My husband wears the pants in the family...

I just tell him which ones to wear !!


My husband's the only kid in our house

that'll never grow up

and will never leave the house.


My NEXT husband will be normal. 


My wife and I have an agreement.  

I don't try to run her life

and I don't try to run mine.


I usually wake up grumpy,

but sometimes I let him sleep in.


My husband said if I went shopping again,

he'd leave me.

WHY didn't somebody tell me it was that easy !?!


The opinions expressed by the husband in this house

are not necessarily those of the management.



E-mail me if you have other sayings to add to this page.

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updated 4/11/2009

             Every effort has been made to give credit to the authors of the material used on this site.

             Please let me know if an error has been made, and I will gladly make the necessary changes asap. ~Deanie~