

A great pleasure in life is doing what

people say you cannot do.

                                               (Walter Gagehot)


Accept the challenges of life 

so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.




Be careful how you live....

you could be the only Bible

some people ever read.


Cherish yesterday, dream tomorrow, live like crazy today.


Choices are Life.

Making them is Living.



Count the night by stars, not shadows; 

count your life by smiles, not tears.


Count your life by smiles, not tears.

Count your age by friends, not years.


Dance like there's nobody watching, 

love like you'll never get hurt,

sing like there's nobody listening, 

live like there's heaven on earth.


Don't dream your life,

live your dreams.


Don't look...you might see.

Don't think...you might learn.

Don't walk...you might stumble.

Don't run...you might fall.

Don't live....you might die.


Don't measure life by the amount of breathless moments 

but by the moments that take your breath away.


                           (Taneh Palko)




Don't try too hard,

the best things come

when you least expect them.




Encouragement is like premium gas.

It helps take the knocks out of living.



Enjoy the little things in life,

for one day you may look back

and find they were the big things.



                              (Hans Christian Andersen)


Find ecstasy in life;

the mere sense of living is joy enough.

(Emily Dickinson)



Having choices in life is a privilege, 

making the right choices is an responsibility.


How you live and how you fly, 

the smiles you give and tears you'll cry,

All you touch and all you see, 

is all your life will ever be.


I hope life isn't a big joke....

because I don't get it !!





I take life one step at a time....

unless the dog's been in the yard !






If life gives you lemons, make lemonade,

but if life gives you pickles,

you might as well give up

because pickleade is disgusting !





If one attempts to walk the straight and narrow path of life,

it may be advisable to remain thin and sober.

                                             (Copyright 2003  Joseph P. Martino)


If you come to a wall in your life,

that is so high you cannot get over it

and so low you cannot get under it....

just go around.


If you die before you "fulfilled" your life,

it doesn't matter anyway....RIGHT ?


If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm,

you'll never enjoy the sunshine.


I'm trying to arrange my life so

that I don't even have to be present.


                                       (H.W. Vanloon)



In three words I can sum up everything

I've learned about life:

It goes on.

                  (Robert Frost)



It doesn't matter where you go in life,

it's who you have beside you

that makes it worthwhile.




Learn the difference between holding a hand 

and chaining a soul.

Learn that love isn't learning but lending support.

Begin to accept your defeats with the grace of an adult,

not the grief of a child.

Decide to build your roads on today

for tomorrow's ground is too uncertain.

Help someone plant a garden

instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

Learn that YOU have the strength to endure and

that you really do have self worth.

This is life's lessons.


Let your life lightly dance on the edges of time, 

like dew on the tip of a leaf.






Life can only be understood backwards; 

but it must be lived forwards.

                                       (Soren Keirkegaard)








Life is a do-it-yourself project. 

I take the credit of the blame for my performance.



Life is a grindstone....

whether it grinds you down 

or polishes you up

depends on what you are made of !




Life is a large saucepan of worries that goes away 

once you mix all the ingredients together!





Life is a succession of lessons

which must be lived to be understood.

(Ralph Waldo Emerson)


Life is like an onion....

you peel away one layer at at time...

and sometimes you cry.







Life is an ever revolving door.

You can be in one minute

and out the next.

                                    (Copyright 2003  Joseph Martino)









Life is like a blanket of snow...

be careful how you step on it...

every step will show.



Life is like a box of sweets,

you can't expect what you will have

unless you open it.




Life is like an onion....

you peel away one layer at at time...

and sometimes you cry.


Life is like a pencil:

You can't make your mark

until you get the lead out !


Life is like a roll of toilet paper...

the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.


Life is like a ten-speed bike...

most of us have gears we never use.


Life is like an eighteen-wheeler...

we all have many different gears...

it's just a matter of when we use them.


Life is like an ice cream cone.

Just when you think you have it licked

it drips all over you.


Life is like an onion: 

You peel it off one layer at a time, 

and sometimes you weep.


Life is like diesel fuel.

We are born in the fuel tank of life.

We live in the fuel line of love,

and we perish in the engine of peace.


Life is like soup...

the more you put into it

the better it gets.


Life is long

if you know how to spend it.










Life is what happens to you,

while you are busy making other plans.



Life is what we make it;

always has been,

always will be.

                                                   (Grandma Moses)



Life isn't about finding yourself,

it's about creating yourself.

                                                            (George Bernard Shaw)


Live isn't measured by the breaths we take,

but by the moments that take our breath away !



Life like few gardens have only flowers.

Each moment is a new life.





Live all you can; 

it's a mistake not to. 

It doesn't so much matter 

what you do in particular, 

so long as you have your life. 

If you haven't had that 

what have you?"

                                         (Henry James)




Live each day in life 

as if it were your last,

'cause someday it will be.


("for my little sister"...sent in by a visitor to this site)


Live each day to the fullest

because you never know

if you will ever

be able to



                                         (Joey Dovidio)


Live for today,

but be prepared for tomorrow.


Live so the preacher doesn't have to lie at your funeral.


Live to happen,

don't happen to live.


Live your life to the fullest....

Nobody makes it out alive anyway !


Live your own life,

for you will die your own death.

                                        (Latin Proverb)



Living is like shaving...

no matter how good you do it today 

you still have to do it tomorrow.


Love the Life you Love.

Love the Life you Live.





May you never take one single

breath for granted...



My interest is in the future 

because I am going to spend 

the rest of my life there.


My life has a superb cast 

but I can't figure out the plot.


Never think bad thoughts...

life is too good to feel bad !



No matter what life hands you....

Always remember to keep smiling !



Some people have one of those days.

I have one of those lives !


Sometimes there are no time outs,

no second chances,

sometimes it's now or never!


Take risk not to escape life

but to prevent life escaping you.


Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your 
one wild and precious life?

                                                          (Mary Oliver)


That it will never come again 

is what makes life so sweet.

(Emily Dickinson)





The future lies before you,

Like a field of driven snow,

Be careful how you tread it,

For every step will show.





The meaning of life 

is working to find out

who you are.

                                   (Susan Duren)


The hardest thing in life is to learn.

When life seems gray....just think again,

no flower ever bloom without the rain.




The proper chemistry that determines life's fine balance

should best emanate from one's heart and mind

and not the lab.

(Copyright 2003   Joseph P. Martino)


There is no room for growth in your life

if only you can identify the areas that are

ripe for development.


There's no point worrying about life, 

no one gets out alive anyway.





To me, every hour of the day and night

is an unspeakably perfect miracle.

                                                                        (Walt Whitman)



We die once, live once,

marry once, and love once.


We learn the rope of life

by untying it's knots.


We make a living by what we get,

but we make a life by what we give.

                                                                               (Winston Churchill)


We shape our lives not by what we carry with us...

but by what we leave behind.


We will not be remembered by our words,

but by our kind deeds.  

The breaths we take do not measure life;

rather it is the moments that take our breath.





When life and love is absent,

I can finally live life as life is to be lived.


When you were born, you cried

and the world rejoiced.

I hope you live your life

so when you die, 

the world will cry

and you'll rejoice !


                                             (Katherine Hepburn)





You don't have to be smart

to get by in life,

but it does help.


Your life is like a 26 mile marathon 

Don't stop on the 24th mile.


E-mail me if you have other sayings to add to this page.

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updated 4/11/2009

             Every effort has been made to give credit to the authors of the material used on this site.

             Please let me know if an error has been made, and I will gladly make the necessary changes asap. ~Deanie~