

A bell's not a bell 'til you ring it.

A song's not a song 'til you sing it.

Love in your heart wasn't put there to stay.

Love isn't love 'til you give it away.


A golden rule to live by, to keep us girls on track:

NEVER love a player, cuz he'll NEVER love you back.


A kiss is something that can only be shared,

on it's own...it's useless.



A relationship is a two way feeling...

it has to have both sides impacting or it won't work at all.


A successful marriage 

requires falling in love many times, 

and always with the same person.

                                                            (Mignon McLaughlin)


Absence is to love

What wind is to fire

It extinguishes the weak

And enkindles the great




And now here is my secret, 

a very simple secret; 

it is only with the heart 

that one can see rightly, 

what is essential is invisible to the eye.

(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)


Anyone can touch your body,

a few will touch your heart,

but one will touch your soul.


As the ocean is never full of water, 

so is the heart never full of love. 



As you left and said your goodbyes,

you forgot to tell my heart

how to live without you.


Ask me how many times my heart has been broken,

and I'll tell you to look into the sky and count the stars.





                                   (St. Augustine)




Cupid won't lie

but you won't know

unless you give it a try !!


Death leaves a heartache no one can heal.

Love leaves a memory no one can steal.





Do you believe in love at first sight, 

or should I walk by again?


Do you love me or do you not?

You told me once, but I forgot.


Don't Go Looking For True Love.

If It's Meant To Be..

It Will Find you. 



Don't say you love me

unless you mean it,

because I might do something

like BELIEVE it !


Don't spend your life with someone you can live with.

Spend it with the one you can't live without.


Don't wait for love whatever you do, 

people can't make your dreams come true.

                                   (Christopher Nyrop)


Each time I tell myself that

I can't stand the pain,

you hold me in your arms,

and I'm singing once again.


Every little thing that you do, 

I'm so in love with you !

It just keeps getting better...!!


Every moment I don't see you

is like an eternity without sun,

a lifetime without breath,

and every time I do see you,

the light is there but

my breath still takes it's leave.



Falling in love is when you lay in his arms

wake up in your dreams.


Fate brought us together once...

Why not believe in fate again ?

                                                           (Kaity M.)


For it was not into my ear you whispered 

but into my heart.

It was not my lips you kissed, 

but my soul.

                                    (Judy Garland)




He holds me when I start to cry.

He makes me smile with just his eyes.

He shares my hopes, dreams and fears.

He wipes away all my tears.

I love him without regret.

I just haven't found him yet.




Hearts for sale !!

Some are broken, some are mended.

But love is guaranteed !!



He's my comfort, my inspiration, my love.

But I am the captain of my soul.


How do I love thee?  

Let me count the ways.

                                            (Elizabeth Barrett Browning)


I don't know what it is you do to make me smile,

I don't know what it is that you do to make me happy,

I don't know what it is that you do to make me feel all warm inside,

But all I know is that I think I love you.


I feel head over heels in love....

and skinned my knees.


I have to admit that I fell in love twice.

First was with you and second was with the 

person you became when you were already mine.


                                                      (George Elliot)



"I love Thee"

'tis all that I can say:

It is my vision in the night,

My dreaming in the day.

                                                               (Thomas Hood)




I love you not because

of who you are,

but because of who I am

when I am with you. 



                                                (Jaycee Alford) 


                                                   (Jaycee Alford) 


I never look at the masses as my responsibility.

I look at the individual.

I can only love one person at a time.

I can only feed one person at a time.

Just one, one, one....

So you begin....I begin.

                                        (Mother Teresa)


I ran up the door,

closed the stairs,

said my PJ's

and put on my prayers,

turned off the bed

and hopped on the light,

all because you

kissed me goodnight !!






I would rather live and love where death is king. . . 

than have eternal life where love is not.

                                                           (Robert G. Ingersoll)


If I could be an angel,

I'd make your every wish come true,

But I'm only a human,

Just a girl ...who is loving you.


If I had a star for every time you made me smile 

I would be holding the night sky in my hand! 


                                  (Herman Hesse)




If someone hurts you,

betrays you, or breaks your heart,

forgive them for they have helped

you learn about trust and

the importance of being cautious

to who you open your heart to.


If you are in love and don't know what to do,

then think, think and think 


do what you didn't think.


If you can't love yourself...

How are you going to 

love someone else?


If you live to be a hundred,

I want to live to be hundred minus one day,

so I never have to live without you.



If you love something, set it free.

If it comes back to you, then it's yours.

If it doesn't come back...


If you love yourself, then you can give love.

How can you give what you don't have.


If you say my eyes are beautiful

it's because there looking at you.



I'll toss my coins in the fountain

Look for clovers in grassy lawns,

Search for shooting stars in the night,

Cross my fingers and dream on.


Where you are, that's where I wanna be

And through your eyes, all the things I wanna see

And in the night, you are my dream

You're everything to me.



I'm so afraid to love you,

but more afraid to lose you.


                                  (La Rochefoucauld)


                                                      (Jacques Pierre Ribault)



In the eyes of a child,

love is spelled T-I-M-E



It has been wisely said 

that we cannot really love anybody 

at whom we never laugh.

                                        (Agnes Repplier)




It is possible to give without loving, 

but it is impossible to love without giving.


It may take a lifetime to find true love,

but when you do, you will have an eternity to share it.


It takes a minute to like someone, 

and hour to love someone, 

but to forget someone takes a life time.

                           (S. Noecker)


I've fallen in love.

I didn't think such violent things

could happen to ordinary people.



Just because someone doesn't love

you the way you want them to,

doesn't mean they don't love you 

with all they have.


Kisses are like tears,

the real ones can't be held back.


Knowing when you love someone 

is being able to stay up all night 

watching them sleep in silence.



Let no one who loves be unhappy.

Even love unreturned has it's rainbow.


                           (Victor Hugo)






Living is the art of loving.

Loving is the art of caring.

Caring is the art of sharing.

Sharing is the art of living.


Living might mean taking chances,

but they're worth taking.

Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making.

                              (Lee Ann Womack)


                                                                  (St. Augustine)







Love does not consist in gazing at each other,

but in looking together in the same direction.


Love doesn't make the world go 'round. 

Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

                                            (Franklin P. Jones)




                                                (Albert Einstein)






Love is a little blind;

when we love someone dearly we

unconsciously overlook many faults.

                              (Beatrice Saunders)


Love is a little thing shaped like a lizard.

It runs up and down, 

and tickles your gizzard.


Love is a 


Outstanding , 


Everlasting sole mate.

                                                                           (Jaycee Alford)






Love is breakfast

in the morning..!!


Love is the intense desire to be desired intensely.

                                         (Robert Frost)






Love is broad;

If you love someone, you love all things,

not just their beauty.

Love is narrow;

you love one and only one, compared to them,

no one matters.



                                    (Jacques Pierre Ribault)








Love is like a bed of roses, there are many thorns.

The path to happiness lies in learning 

                           to avoid the thorns while enjoying the roses.

                                                                   (Lillian Carol Russell)


Love is like a bubble,

always bursting,

sometimes it might seem it could last forever.


Love is like a butterfly.

If you chase it,

it will elude you,

but if you turn your attention to something else,

it will come and softly

sit on your shoulder.


Love is like a butterfly 

it goes where it pleases 

and pleases where it goes.


Love is like a cloud,

It comes in many shapes and sizes,

each beautiful in it's own way.


Love is like a knife,

it can stab the heart

or it can carve wonderful images

into the soul that will last a lifetime.


Love is like a roller coaster....

When it's good,

you don't want to get off.

When it's bad...

you can't wait to throw up !!


Love is like candy,

when you have it,

it makes you smile.



Love is like quicksand,

the deeper you fall in,

the harder it is to get out.


Love is like war...

You win and you lose.





Love is the exchange of two fantasies 

and the contact of two skins.




Love is something you cant not see.

Love is something you can not smell.

Love is something you can not touch.

Love is something you can feel

deep., deep down in your soul.

                                          (Jade P.)


                                                   (Mark Twain)



                                         (Oliver Wendell Holmes)




Love is too strong a word to say it too early, 

but it has too beautiful a meaning to say it too late.

                                          (Kurt Spiteri Cornish)


Love is when you stay up all night thinking 

about the person you need.

Love is something so real that when have it you know,

you know love is so wonderful that it defies reality

and conquers even the coldest hearts. 

Love is love and nothing more.


Love is when your puppy licks you on the face,

even after you left him alone all day.



Love isn't measured by the breath you take....

but what takes your breath away.


Love isn't loving someone that is perfect.

But learning to love an imperfect person perfect.


Love, it's powerful when put into the right hands.

You never know if you love someone if 

you don't know if they love you back.

But once you find out,

you feel like you are floating 

on a cloud of happiness.

The feeling in your stomach is something that 

feels so wonderful because

you always feel like you need to be with person you love.

Love, as I mentioned is a powerful thing.

Don't misuse it, you may not have had a broken heart,

but it's the worst feeling in the world

and nothing  can mend a heart that has been broken.

A heart is like glass, 

it can't be fixed and even if it is,

it will never be the same.




                               (William Shakespeare)




                                   (Alexis Delp)




Love may come and then go,

but true friends are the greatest love you 

could ever hold.


Love me when I least deserve it,

because that is when I really need it.

                           (Swedish Proverb)






Love shows in so many ways, 

those who love will always see it.

It speaks in so many voices, 

those who love will always hear it.



Love starts with a smile,

grows with a kiss, ends with a tear.

It is hard to find, harder to leave

and impossible to forget.




                                 (Mariana Volinsky)



Love...It surrounds every being 

and extends slowly to embrace all that shall be.

                                      (Kahlil Gibran)


Love like you've never been hurt,

dance like nobody is watching

and live today.

Tomorrow will take care of itself.





Lust is when you love what you see. 

Love is when you lust for what's inside.

                                         (Renee Conkle)


Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people

before meeting the right one,

so that when we finally meet the person,

we will know how to be grateful.




Never smother the one you love, 

but take it one moment at the time.

                                                 (Jacques Pierre Ribault)



Nobody is perfect

until you fall in love with them.


                                                (C. T. Davis)


                                       (Freddie Mercury)



Put a circle around the person's name that you love,

not a heart...

because hearts get broken but circles never end.


Pride makes us do things well.

But it is love that makes us do them 

to perfection.


   (This saying was on a sign that my husband brought home one day.

Our marriage is truly a real love story.)    ~Deanie~



Relationships are like glass,

sometimes it is better to leave them broken

than try to pick up the pieces...

you always end up getting hurt.



So kiss me my sweet

and so let us part

and when I grow to old to dream

that kiss will live on in my heart.


Sooner or later you are going

to realize that this type of love

happens once in your life

so open your eyes and see

what we could be.



                              (Danielle Light)



The greatest lesson you will ever learn is

just to love and be loved in return.



The greatest pain that comes with love...

is loving someone you can't have.



The human heart, at whatever age,

opens only to the heart that opens in return.

                                                                              (Maria Edgeworth)


The hunger for love 

is much more difficult to remove 

than the hunger for bread.

                                 (Mother Teresa)


The letters in love.........L.O.V.E represents something to cherish.

L is  for loyalty because you are loyal.

O is for One because you are the only one in all the dreams.

V is for every Very little thing about you.

E is for Everything you've done to make my life special.

L.O.V.E. is something you don't just say to anyone, 

you say it to your true  L.O.V.E.


The love in your heart wasn't put there to stay...

Love isn't love until you give it away.


The love we give away 

is the only love we keep.



                            (Benjamin Disraeli)


The only way to fall out of love

is to fall in love with someone else.


                          (Lawrence Durrell)



The worst part of being involved

is knowing that it may

someday come to an end.


There are three kinds of love stories:

boys loses girl,

girl loses boy,

and those that lose themselves in each other.


                                             (George Sands)


There is no better exercise for the heart 

than reaching down and lifting someone up.


They say love hides behind every corner,

then I must be going round in circles.


Those who love deeply never grow old;

they may die of old age, but they die young.

                                                                                  (Sir Arthur Wing Pinero)




To be happy with a man you must understand 

him a lot and love him a little. 

To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot 

and not try to understand her at all.

                                                 (Helen Rowland)


To be loved feels nice.

To be in love feels even nicer.

                                             (Jade P.)


To be in the arms of the one you love

is the best feeling in the world!


To let a fool kiss you is stupid;

to let a kiss fool you...is even stupider.


To love and to be loved is the greatest

joy on earth.


To love and win is the best thing. 

To love and lose, the next best.



To love is to risk not being loved in return.

To hope is to risk pain.

To try is to risk failure,

but risk must be taken 

because the greatest hazard

in life is to risk nothing.


                                   (Karen Sunde)


To the world....you are someone,

but to someone....you are the world.


To truly live you must have some love,

but to have love you must live with some pain.


Too in Love to be Apart,

But not Sure how to Make it Work Together.

                              (Kaity M.)


Trip over love and you can get up

fall in love and you fall forever.


                                   (Antoine De Saint-Exupery)


True love doesn't have a happy ending;

true love doesn't have an ending.


True love is the most enduring of all of life's worldly possessions,

never tarnishing over time, but ever to remain

bright and brilliant in the light of love.

                                               (Copyright 2003  Diane Martino)







We can do no great things...

only small things with great love.

                                     (Mother Teresa)



We learn to love not by finding a "perfect" person

but by learning to see an "imperfect" person perfectly.



What is LOVE ?

LOVE was discovered by Adam and Eve,

Napoleon and Josephine practiced it,

Romeo and Juliet died for it,

and so my friend....beware of it.


When I first saw you...I was afraid to talk to you.

When I first talked to you....I was afraid to like you.

When I first like you....I was afraid to love you.

Now that I love you....I am afraid to lose you.


When I saw him...I liked him.

When I liked him...I kissed him.

When I kissed him...I loved him...

and when I loved him...I lost him !


When love comes knocking

on your door,

open for it,

you never know when it will come back again.


When someone you love becomes a memory,

the memory becomes a treasure.


When we were young and naive,

love means never having to say you are sorry

but when we get older and wiser,

love means wanting to say you are sorry and saying it.

                          (Sim York Soo)


When you love someone,

all your saved-up wishes start coming out.


When you love someone,

put a circle around their name

because hearts can be broken

and circles never end.



                               (Willa Sibert Cather)


Which every way I go...

I come back to the place you are.


                                 (Oscar Wilde)


                                (Japanese proverb)



Written with a pen,

Sealed with a kiss.

If you love me then please answer this.

Do you love me or do you not?

You told me once but I forgot.

If I die before you do,

I'll go to heaven and wait for you.

If you're not there by judgment day,

I'll know you've gone the other way.

I'll give the angels back their wings,

and risk the loss of everything,

To prove to you my love is true,

I'll go to hell to be with you.



You can fall from the sky,

or fall from a tree,

but the best place to fall

is in love with me !!



You can open your arms to a man,

not take a chance and let go

but if you open your heart

the journey of love may start....




You know it's true love when you can't fall asleep 

because reality is better than your dreams.


You know you're in love when...

You can't sleep at night 

because when you close your eyes

you stop thinking about him/her.....

You look in his/her eyes and see his/her heart.....

You fall head over knees just to see him/her...when

you see him/her twenty times a day....

Every word you read and see make you think of him/her.....

You are reading this and know exactly what I mean...!!

                                                  (Nikki Marie)


You know you're in love

when you feel like you never have before.

When you are.....for once.....happy !


You make me smile for no reason whatsoever,

you make me laugh at the unfunniest things,

but most of all,

you make me love you

when I shouldn't be loving you.




Be sure to visit the "Heartaches" category

E-mail me if you have other sayings to add to this page.

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updated 4/11/2009

             Every effort has been made to give credit to the authors of the material used on this site.

             Please let me know if an error has been made, and I will gladly make the necessary changes asap. ~Deanie~