


A bragging woman and a crowing hen--

always come to not good in the end.








A doctor can bury his mistakes, 

but an architect can only advise his clients

to plant vines.

                                            (Frank Lloyd Wright)



A good beginning makes a good ending.


A good thing to remember, and a better thing to do, 

is work with the construction gang and not the wrecking crew.


A gossiper is like an old shoe...

it's tongue never stay in place !!





A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature 

to stop speech when words become superfluous.




A person can fail many times 

but it isn't a failure 

until he begins to blame others.




A person who thinks too highly of himself 

has farther to fall when he fails.


A person's mind is like a parachute.

To work, it first has to be open.







A wise man knows everything.

A shrewd one, everybody.


A wish is a desire without

any attempt to attain it.


Ability will enable a man to get to the top,

 but it takes character to keep him there.








All the flowers of all the tomorrows....

are in the seeds of today.








Always and never

are two words

to always remember never to use.


Always behave like a duck...

Keep calm and unruffled on the surface...

But paddle like the devil underneath.







An explanation of cause

is not a justification by cause.


An optimist is one who sees a light...

a pessimist is one who blows it out.


An optimist is someone who tells you to cheer up 

when things are going his way.


An optimist laughs to forget....

a pessimist forgets to laugh.


An optimist thinks that this is the best of all possible worlds.

A pessimist fears that it might true.







Any idiot can face a crisis....

it's this day-to-day living that wears you out.


Anger is only one letter short of danger !



Anytime you find that truth stands in your way...

you can be certain that you are headed in the wrong direction.


Appreciation is like an insurance policy.

You have to keep renewing it.









"Be a winner, be a star, be happy to be who you are."

(Shania Twain, from her song "Come On Over")


Be careful what you wish for.

You just might get it.


Be happy 

for today is a good day to die.

"Sata Poka ha"

                                (Navaho proverb)




                                                                   (David Hume)



Beauty is truth, truth beauty...

that is all ye know on earth,

and all ye need to know.

(John Keats)




Beginnings are scary, endings sad, 

but it's the middle that counts the most.

Remember that when you find yourself there.






Birdy, birdy in the sky

Drop some white stuff in my eye,

I'm a good girl ...I won't cry,

I'm just lucky....cows don't fly !!



Blessed are the flexible

for they shall not be bent out of shape !




Blessed are they who have nothing to say 

and cannot be persuaded to say it.




Bottled up inside are the words I never said,

the feelings that I hide,

the lines you never read.

You can see it in my eyes,

read it on my face,

trapped inside are lies, 

of the past I can't replace.









Change is inevitable,

except from a vending machine.


Character is determined by what you accomplish 

when the excitement is gone.










Conscience is usually what hurts most 

when everything else feels so good.



Consider the tea pot. 

It's up to it's neck in hot water 

yet it keeps on singing.


Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today 

as you were a year ago.


Conscience is usually what hurts most 

when everything else feels so good.







Despite the cost of living,

have you noticed how it remains so popular ?




                                                    (Oliver Wendell Holmes)




Don't ever try to teach a pig to sing,

it irritates the pig and wastes your time.



Don't hurry, don't worry. You're only here for a short visit. 

So be sure to stop and smell the flowers.





                              (Swedish Proverb)




Don't meddle in the affairs of dragons

for you are crunchy and good with catsup !!


Don't question your feelings,

however, question your actions.


Don't rob your fellow man....

the taxation department

does not like competition.









Don't worry about the world ending today.

It's already tomorrow in Australia !


Don't worry about tomorrow...

today has enough trouble of it's own.






Early to bed and up with the sun...

Makes a man miss a lot of fun !!



Early to bed...early to rise...

Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.




Encouragement is like premium gas,

it helps take the knocks out of living !


Equal opportunity means everybody

will have a fair chance at being incompetent.



Even if you are on the right track, 

you will get run over if you just sit there !




Even though the tongue weighs practically nothing....

it's surprising how few are able to hold it !!












Everyone has a photographic memory.

Some don't have film.


Everyone has attitude,

everyone needs attitude,

but not everyone has

the attitude they need.


Everything can be taken away from a man but...

the last of the human freedoms--

to choose one's attitude in any given

set of circumstances.

                       Viktor Rankl)




                                                             (Malcomb S. Forbes)


Fate exists but it an only take you so far.  

Because once you're there

It's up to you...to make it happen.

(from the movie "Can't Hardly Wait")


Fear less, hope more;

whine less, breathe more;

talk less, say more;

hate less, love more;

and all the good things are yours.

(Swedish Proverb)



Flatter me, and I may not believe you.

Criticize me, and I may not like you.

Ignore me, and I may not forgive you.

Encourage me, and I may not forget you.

                                                      (William Arthur Ward)


Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.





Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those 

who trespass against us,

although them again we will never trust.


Forgiveness is the fragrance

of the violet left on the heel

that has crushed it.




(a visitor to my site used this phrase as a signature....very unique)


Gifts are what a man has,

but grace are what a man is.

                                                                                  (F. W. Robertson)




Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, 

and just as hard to sleep after.




Good night, sleep tight,

and don't let the bed bugs bite.


Great minds discuss ideas;

Average minds discuss events;

Small minds discuss people.



Grief can take care of itself, 

but to get the full value of a joy

you must have somebody to divide it with.







Haste trips its own heels,

and fetters and stops itself



Have a heart that never hardens,

and a temper that never tires,

and a touch that never hurts.

                                                                                 (Charles Dickens)







He who has health...has hope.

He who has hope...has everything !












Hear no evil--speak no evil--

and you'll never be invited to a party.

                                 (Oscar Wilde)


Heat is required to forge anything. 

Every great accomplishment 

is the story of a flaming heart.








How can I keep my feet on the ground....??

When I know I was born to fly.






I can disagree with a word you say,

but I'll fight to death

your right to say it.




I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell --

you see, I have friends in both places.

                      (Mark Twain)


I either want less corruption, 

or more chance to participate in it.


I feel like I'm diagonally

parked in a parallel universe.







I may not always be right,

but I'm never wrong !




I owe it to myself, I worked for it, 

and nobody is going to deprive me of it!


I personally believe we've developed language 

because of our deep need to complain.



I tore myself from the safe comfort of certainties

through my love for truth; and truth rewarded me.


I used to cry because I had no shoes,

until I saw a man with no feet.


I used to have an open mind

but my brains kept falling out.



I wonder how much deeper

the ocean would be

without sponges.





I'd rather be a failure at something I enjoy 

than a success at something I hate !


I'd rather die on my feet than continue living on my knees.


I'd trade all of my tomorrows

for one single yesterday.


                                         (Ancient Saying)





If I'm too strong for some people,

that's their problem.

                                    (Glenda Jackson)


If it tastes good....spit it out !

It's probably bad for you !!


If it weren't for time,

everything would happen all at once.




If someone betrays you once, it's his fault.

If he betrays you twice, it's your fault.







If one person calls thee a donkey...pay him no mind. 

If two people call thee a donkey...get thee a saddle.



If the shoe fits,

get another on just like it !


If there is a possibility of several things going wrong 

the one that will cause the most damage 

will be the one to go wrong.



If you have trouble going to sleep at night...

lie at the very edge of the bed...you'll soon drop off !


If we could see ourselves as others see us 

we would vanish on the spot.


If we don't change, we don't grow.

If we don't grow, we aren't really living.



If you are humble nothing will touch you, 

neither praise nor disgrace

because you know what you are.



If you don't have time to do it right...

when will you have time to do it over..??





If you haven't anything to die for,

what do you have to live for?

                           (Martin Luther King, Jr.)



If you obey the rules

you miss all the fun.

                                       (Katherine Hepburn)


If you tell the truth,

you do not have to remember anything.

                                (Mark Twain)


If you think you can, or, you think you cannot,

You are absolutely right.

                                              (Henry Ford)



If you've tried your hand at almost everything and failed, 

why not try your head?















Imagination was given to man 

to compensate him for what he is not, 

a sense of humor to console him

for what he is.



In a perfect world

the ideal war

would only be fought

with toy soldiers.

                                        (Copyright 2003   Joseph P. Martino)






                                                                                     (Albert Einstein)




(housework-yard work-laundry-etc.)



It is all right to talk to yourself

because it is the only way 

to have a truly intellectual conversation.


It IS as bad as you think

and they ARE out to get you !!


It is better to be right and alone 

than to be wrong and have company !





It is hard to understand

how a cemetery raised it's burial cost

and blamed it on the cost of living.

































It's not the length,

It's not the size,

It's how many times

you can make it rise !!


It's not the size of the dog in the fight,

but the size of fight in the dog.


It's not what you say that counts,

it's what you do.







I've learned from my mistakes 

and I'm sure I could repeat them exactly.









                                                                                      ~Mark Twain~



Lead me not into temptation....

I can find it myself !












Little things are indeed little 

but to be faithful in little things is a great thing.



Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong

conclusion with confidence.








Mirrors don't talk,

and lucky for you 

they don't laugh either.


                                                                   (James Joyce)


Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans:

it's lovely to be silly at the right moment.





Most people are willing to meet each other halfway;

the trouble is, most people

are pretty poor judges of distance.






My opinions may have changed,

but not the fact that I am right.



Never fear shadows,

it simply means

there is a light

shining nearby.


No army can withstand

the strength of an idea

whose time has come.

                                ( Victor Hugo )










No one ever said it was going to be easy....

but this is ridiculous !!


No one has ever injured his eyesight 

by looking on the bright side of things !!


                                      (Eleanor Roosevelt)


No one is a failure in this world

who lightens a burden for someone else.






                                           (Ralph Waldo)



Nothing is so strong as gentleness,

nothing so gentle as real strength.

                                                                               (Francis de Sales)


Nothing is as strong as gentleness 

or as gentle as strength.


Nothing is fool-proof

to a sufficiently talented fool.



Nothing that happens in the world is a coincidence,

everything was meant to happen.



Of all the things you wear,

your expression is the most important.


Oh, what a tangled web we weave

when we practice to deceive.













Opportunity is missed by most people because it is

dressed in overalls and looks like work.

                                                                               (Thomas Edison)




Optimists see green,

pessimists see red,

but the truly wise are colorblind.


Our greatest glory consists not in never falling

but in rising every time we fall.


Our life is frittered away by detail...







Painted skies, lofty dreams,

dare to reach on golden wings.


People don't care how much you know 

until they know how much you care.




People who spout platitudes 

have attitudes that

allow no latitude.








                                                               (John Gay)


Prayers are always answered.  

The answer is usually NO....






Procrastination of vital tasks is a close

relative of incompetence and 

a handmaiden of inefficiency.









                                                                  (Robert Duncan)













She's always late.

Her ancestors arrived on the



Should you find yourself the victim

of other people's bitterness,

ignorance, smallness, or insecurities...

remember things could be worse....

you could be them ~!~






Someday we will look back at this,

laugh nervously,

and change the subject.



Someone who thinks logically 

provides a nice contrast to the real world.



Sometimes the poorest man 

leaves his children 

the richest inheritance.




Sometimes we are so busy adding up our troubles 

that we forget to count our blessings.


Sometimes we forget to turn off the sound 

when the mind goes blank.


Sooner or later

every person opens his mouth

and puts his foot in,

but only a baby

is admired for doing it.




Sticks and stones can break my bones, 

but words can never hurt me.



Sticks and stones may break my bones

but words shout at the soul.



Streams become crooked 

from taking the path of least resistance

...so do people.



Stupidity is buying things that you don’t need, with money that you don’t have, 

to impress people that you don’t care about.


Suppose you were an idiot

and suppose you were a 

member of Congress.

But I repeat myself.

                                    (Mark Twain)







Talk is cheap

Supply exceeds demand




Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and

he will believe you.  Tell him the bench has wet paint on it

and he'll have to touch it to be sure.


That each sorrow has it's purpose

By the sorrowing oft unguessed,

But as sure as the sun brings mourning

Whatever is-is best.

                                     (Ella Wheller Wilcox)







The best and most beautiful things in the world 

cannot be seen or even touched.

They must be felt from the heart.

                                                              (Helen Keller)


The best bridge between hope and despair 

is often a good night's sleep.





The Cleanliness of Theory is nothing when compared 

to the Mess of Reality !


The difference between the possible 

and impossible lies in a person's determination.




The best things in life are never rationed. 

Friendship, loyalty, love do not require coupons.

                               (George T. Hewitt)


The best thing about the future is that it comes

only one day a time.

                                 (Abraham Lincoln)



The best time to relax 

is when you don't have time to.












The good Lord didn't create anything without a purpose, 

but the fly comes close.


The Great Spirit....

put in your heart

certain wishes and plans;

in my heart, he put other desires.

Each man is good in the sight of the Great Spirit.

                                 (Chief Sitting Bull)



The greener grass on the other side

is probably artificial turf anyways.


The happiest families are those in which 

the children are properly spaced about ten feet apart.


The hardness of the butter is proportional 

to the softness of the bread.


The Legend of the Feather

I am an angel feather...

Sent from God above...

To serve as a reminder...

of his gracious love.


(A visitor to this site sent this one in...she puts a fluffy feather on the

front and an angel on the inside of the cards she makes)



The light at the end of the tunnel is a muzzle flash...

or an oncoming train.





The next time you're feeling down,

just think about all the terrible things

that didn't happen to you.


The only fair way to talk about someone

is to speak as though you knew they were listening.


The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all...is the

person who argues with him.








The narrower a man's mind, 

the broader his statements.


The past is history, the future a mystery, 

today is a gift, that's why we call it the present.






The race is not always to the swift,

but that's the way to bet.


The real art of conversation

is not only to say the right thing at the right time,

but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing

at the tempting moment.



The secret of contentment is the realization 

that life is a gift not a right.



The shallowest stream

usually make the loudest noise !






The things that come to those that wait

may be the things left by those

who got there first.



The three hardest tasks in the world are neither physical feats 

nor intellectual achievements, 

but moral acts: to return love for hate, 

to include the excluded,

 and to say I was wrong.

                                        (Ernst Heinrich Haeckel)




The tongue weighs practically nothing,

but so few people can hold it.


The trouble with the guy who talks too fast 

is that he often says something he hasn't thought of yet.


The very thing that you feel is going to destroy you 

may be the thing that will make you,

 and what you feel may be the end of you, 

may well be the beginning.



The whole world steps aside for the man 

who knows where he is going.



The woods would be very silent 

if no birds sang except the best.

                                               (Yiddish Proverb)


The world is full of cactus....

but it doesn't mean you have to sit on it.


The world today is hungry not only for bread 

but hungry for love, 

hungry to be wanted 

and hungry to be loved.


The 50-50-90 Rule:

Anytime you have a 50-50 chance

of getting something right,

there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.







There are two ways of spreading the light:

to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.

                                                     (Edith Wharton)


There are usually three sides to a controversy:

yours, other person's and the right side.




There is no time like the present for postponing

what you ought to be doing.


                                      (French Proverb)


There is not limit to the good a human can do

if they don't care who gets the credit.




There will always be death and taxes.

However, death doesn't get worse every year.









Think !  Maybe the Joneses

are trying to keep up with you  !!




Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others 

cannot keep it from themselves.


Those who hesitate ... wait.


Those who live by the sword

get shot by those who don't.



Those who try to do something and fail are much better off than 

those who try and do nothing and succeed.


Three months from every thunder in February,

it will come a frost.







"Tis a lesson you should heed,

try, try again.

If at first you don't succeed,

try, try again.

                                                                     (W. E. Hickson)


To be good is noble;

but to show others

how to be good

is nobler and no trouble.

                                 (Mark Twain)


To belittle is to be little.




                                                 ~Oscar Wilde~


To the world you may only be one person,

but to one person...you may be the world.


To thine ownself be true.

(William Shakespeare)




                                                            (Mae West)



Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion

without the discomfort of thought.

                                                          (John F. Kennedy)


True love is like a pair of socks, you gotta have

two and they've gotta match.



Truth is such a rare thing;

it is delightful to tell it.

                                                                                   (Emily Dickinson)



Truth is such a rare thing;

it is delightful to tell it.

(Emily Dickinson)




Two things stand like stone:

Kindness in another's troubles.

Courage in your own.






                                                 ( Jean Baptiste Moliere )



Use the talents you possess 

for the woods would be very silent 

if no birds sang except the best.





Very often a change of self is needed more 

than a change of scenery.


                                                       (Jonathan Swift)






We are here on earth to do good to others,

What the others are here for, I do not know.

                                       (W.H. Auden)


We better live as we think,

otherwise we shall end up

by thinking as we have liked.


We could learn a lot from crayons;

some are sharp, some are pretty,

some are dull, while others are bright,

some have weird names, but they all

learned to live together in same box.




We grow like the things

we think about.

                                      (D.L. Marsh)


We have enough youth....how about

a fountain of SMART ?


                                                (English Proverb)




We've been through a lot together....

and most of it was your fault !!





What hangs people

is the unfortunate circumstance of guilt.

                                                             (Robert Louis Stevenson)


What lies before us are tiny matters, 

compared to what lies within us.





What you have become is the price you paid

to get what you used to want.


                                        (Walt Whitman)







When everything is said and done, 

more has been said than done.


When I do good

I feel good.

When I do bad

I feel bad.

And that's my religion.

                                           (Abraham Lincoln - 1860)


When I do something right, nobody ever remembers it;

When I do something wrong, nobody ever forgets it.







When the chips are down,

the buffalo is empty.


When we have a "pet peeve"...

it's amazing how often we pet it.


When you come to the end of your rope....

tie a knot and hang on.



When you get to the end of your rope,

tie a knot and swing !


                                                                       (Charles Caleb Colton --1820)


When you sneer and point your finger...

don't forget three fingers are pointing back at you.


When you spend your life worrying about how other people feel, 

you lose track of how you feel. 


When your throwin' your weight around, 

be ready to have it thrown around by somebody else.






                                            ( William Shakespeare )


With great power

comes great responsibility.


Worrying is like a rocking chair...

it gives you something to do

but it really doesn't get you anywhere.


Wouldn't it be nice if we could see our mistakes 

for what they cost us ??


Yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery. 

Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present.





You can fool some of the people all of the time,

and you can fool all of the people some of the time,

but you can't fool all the people all of the time.




You can never tell which way the train is coming from by

looking at the track.










You have the right to be stupid, 

but that does not mean you should be.




You have to have a bad day

to know what a good one looks like.

                                      (Walter Griffith)



You don't know where you're going,

any road will take you there.

                                  (Old Saying)






You're damned if you do

and damned if you don't.

                                   (Bart Simpson)



You're not as dumb as you look...

nobody could look THAT dumb.





E-mail me if you have other sayings to add to this page.

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updated 4/11/09

             Every effort has been made to give credit to the authors of the material used on this site.

             Please let me know if an error has been made, and I will gladly make the necessary changes asap. ~Deanie~