
(includes sayings for bands)


A friend is one who knows my song....

and sings it to me when I forget.


(this was sent in by a visitor to this site...she has this saying 

on a sign shaped like a musical note)






In music there is harmony...

In harmony there is peace....


Let your heart sing its' own happy song...

And soon the whole world will be singing.





Music is love, love is music,

music is my life, 

and I love my life.

                                                       (A.J. McLean)



                                                  (Willie "Bunk" Johnson)



                                          (Anais Nin)






Music touches feelings that words can not.

It is the melody of the heart.

The voice of the spirit.







                                                                         (Arthur W. E. O'Shaughnessy)


When the going starts to get rough

and you feel like you've had enough

let the music take control of your soul.


                                                        (Hans Christian Anderson)


While I listened,

music was to my soul

what the atmosphere is to my body,

it was the breath of my inward life.



Words make you think...

music makes you feel...


a song makes it possible for you

to feel a thought.


Words are wearisome and worn

while the arabesques of music

are forever new.



You don't get harmony

when everybody sings the same note.

(Doug Floyd)


You helped me open the music

of my heart.


             Every effort has been made to give credit to the authors of the material used on this site.

             Please let me know if an error has been made, and I will gladly make the necessary changes asap. ~Deanie~