~No Smoking~


Feel free to use our smoking area....

it's located outdoors.


If we see you smoking

we will assume

you are on fire

and take appropriate action.


If you don't want your ash kicked,

the butt stops here.



If you stick a cigarette in your ear, 

you will look stupid. 

But if you stick one in your mouth, 

then you are stupid!!!!!!!!!!


(this was sent in by a visitor who said this saying was meant for teenagers...)





    (this little saying was on a sign with little green frogs)





E-mail me if you have other sayings to add to this page.

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updated 4/17/09

             Every effort has been made to give credit to the authors of the material used on this site.

             Please let me know if an error has been made, and I will gladly make the necessary changes asap. ~Deanie~