

                                                                  (John F. Kennedy)




A teacher affects eternity;

no one can tell where his influence stops.

                                                                                              (Henry Adams)


A teacher takes a hand...

opens a mind...

and touches a heart.






All the flowers of all the tomorrows...

are in the seeds of today.




Discover Wildlife...

Be a teacher !


Education is not the filling of a pail.

It is the lightening of a fire.






Good reasons to be a teacher....

July, August...!


He who has imagination without learning

 has wings but no feet.




I have never let my schooling

interfere with my education.

                                              (Mark Twain)




If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it.

                                                                                        (Margaret Fuller)


I am not a teacher, but an awakener.

                                            (Robert Frost)






I will remain calm,

I will remain sane,

I will answer questions when asked,

I will not talk back.

I will not throw things.

I will not yell, or shout.

'Cause I am the teacher,

I am the teacher....!






                                                                                                  (John Wooden)


Kindergarten teachers hold their students hands 

for a short while...

their hearts forever.





Leading a child to learning's treasures...

gives a teacher untold pleasures.


Learning opens the world 

to minds ripe for the journey...



Like all great teachers...

you let me learn from my own mistakes.


Today is a NTT Day !!!

NTT=no tattle telling 









Reuse Elderly Teachers Instantly Refusing Excuses Made-up Earlier Negotiating Time-Out






T =Terrific

E = Enthusiastic

A = Aspiring

C = Challenging

H = Helpful

E = Encouraging

R = Remarkable


Teacher....you have given me courage to try,

you given me sings to fly!






Teacher's Busy..

Take a Number

(this was a chalkboard with 3 apples labeled 1-2-3 hanging from it)





Teachers help us to learn from yesterday,

live for today, hope for tomorrow.




Teachers Rule !!

(this was on a sign I have seen which depicted an apple and a ruler)




To take a lot of live wires

and make sure

they are well-grounded !


Teachers that love to teach...

Create kids that love to learn...







Teaching Today

Touches Tomorrow



The best teachers teach from the heart,

not from the book.




The mediocre teacher tells.

The good teacher explains.

The superior teacher demonstrates.

The great teacher inspires.

                                                                                                 (William Arthur Ward)





                                                                                          (Thomas Carlyle --1840)



There's no one quite like a special teacher...

and no teacher quite as special as you.


Those that do teach young babes...

 do it with gentle means 

and easy tasks.

                                                                              (William Shakespeare)




To learn is a blessing...

To teach and do it well...

it is a gift.







   2 teach is

         2 touch hearts


4 ever !!




What sculpture is to a block of marble,

education is to a human soul.

                                                                                                   (Joseph Addison)


                                                     (Karl Menniger)




Who taught the doctors and lawyers

everything she knew?

A teacher.



With life-long education,

learning becomes a renewable resource.

                    (Nido Qubein)





E-mail me if you have other sayings to add to this page.

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updated 4/18/09

             Every effort has been made to give credit to the authors of the material used on this site.

             Please let me know if an error has been made, and I will gladly make the necessary changes asap. ~Deanie~