UPDATED - August 30, 2001


Well you must be a bit curious or you wouldn't be here. Nice to meet you. I am from the Near North in Ontario, Canada. I live on a farm that has been in my husband's family for four generations and over 100 years.
We have been married for 31 years in April of 1997 and have three children and five grandchildren.
We have a small business selling farm machinery, I am Secretary-Treasurer of our township (at least for a while longer) and we still farm. No animals, only cash crop.

Our interests include riding our Honda Goldwing in the summer, we have a hunt camp in the fall (for which I do all the cooking) and curling in the winter. I also love antiques, (especially those family related), travelling and making new friends and going to the Casino.

We are active in the local curling club, Ride for Sight and Order of the Eastern Star as well as getting involved in many happenings in and around our area.
I have been on the internet since April 1998, and love making or changing my homepage. I still haven't learned HTML yet but am looking forward to getting into that. All my pages have been made with the help of some kind of Web Wizard. I have now started making backgrounds, buttons and arrows and am enjoying them very much. The more I do, the more I want to do.  I enjoy talking on ICQ and have met many new people and made some friends through that.  It is a great way to keep in touch with friends and relative who are far away.  When I learn how to put my pager on this page, I will include it so you can page me.
Any comments on these pages are always welcome. Constructive criticism is always appreciated.
If you are interested in any of these activities or would like to contact me, I would love to hear from you. You can e-mail me at ralph.michel@sympatico.ca