In loving Memory of

Aiden George O'Halloran

February 23, 1998 - February 23, 1998

Our tiny angel, not a day goes by when you are not loved and missed. Held in our hearts and minds forever.

All our Love, Mum and Dad

All Those Months
Your little heart beating so strongly
All those months are silent.
Your little arms and legs
Moving so vigorously are still.

Milk falling like tears from your mothers breasts
Will never nourish you.
Your eye's will never sparkle
Your little voice forever silent.

Your mother holds you in her arms,
Timidly kisses your soft, smooth cheek
Caresses your tiny fingers
And whispers your name with tears.

She dreams of holding you
Of watching you smile and grow
Her love is always with you
A love only a mother could know.

by Margery Cordukes

"Some people don't seem to realize that doing what's right is no guarantee against misfortune"


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Background Music - "Tears in Heaven" - Eric Clapton