The felines in this house have joined a number of
organizations, but none that have changed as much as CLAW. They
were members of the old CLAW, but enthusiastically threw themselves
into the new CLAW when it was reorganized.

In the words of the mission statement:
"The mission of the New CLAW is not training cats to rule,
but training cats to care. Our name no longer means "Cats
Lording AlWays." Now it means "Cats Loving AlWays". It is our
mission to train our members to care about all cats everywhere,
including to care about themselves with high self esteem and
personal growth...

"The new CLAW... (is) "The Service Club for Cats Who Care".
It is easy to care about yourself, and about your friends.
We hope that our members will learn to care also about cats in
need - about the less than beautiful cats who are starving on
the streets. We want our members to develop compassion. We
want them to become cats who care about making the world a
better place for all cats, and about starting this by making
themselves better cats. We know that this mission is a difficult
one, as cats among all animals tend to be rather self-centered.
However, we are CLAW, and CLAW cats have never been afraid to try."

CLAW members are supporting several shelters, fighting for
animal rights, and helping where they can. They are also having
fun and learning in the Seminary. For membership and other
information, please visit

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While the girls were studying at the Seminary, they also took
part in the Christmas party and dressed in costumes symbolizing
the area of Texas that they live in.

(left to right) Abby, Pooh, Zoe and Molly

Costumes by Spyder and MGD and friends

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(left to right) Abby, Molly, Pooh and Zoe

Costumes by Spyder and MGD and friends

And on Jan. 22, 2001, they all proudly dressed for graduation from
Seminary and received their diplomas as "Honorable."

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This page was begun Jan. 27, 2001.