Four-Legged Texas Critters

We have cattle in Texas.....we have cattle with horns that turn down...we have
cattle with horns that turn up....and we have cattle with HORNS!!!!!

But we have more critters than just cattle in Texas....such as this mare and
foal from the Kerrville area and these elk at the nearby YO Ranch.

We have this doe and her fawn, and this handsome buck.

We have some cute critters like these prairie dogs and this jackrabbit....and then
there's the bobcat who would rather name them "Lunch" and "Dinner."

You can find ground squirrels everywhere in Texas where there are
no trees. A friendly, gregarious critter, he will cheerfully
set up housekeeping in a backyard, schoolyard, a park, or a
grassland. The wild burros, on the other hand, are found
in the remote areas of west Texas.

Some of the native critters in Texas have become mascots for sports
teams....such as the javelina(left) and the armadillo.

Some critters like the coyote are becoming so common that they are bringing
hazards to encroaching civilization with diseases like distemper and rabies.
Rather than kill them off, the State of Texas has used small airplanes to
drop vaccines, hidden in meat, to keep the diseases under control. The wild
pronghorn head for the remote areas of west Texas.

"Eeee-you" Texas Critters

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