The International Soundex Reunion Registry
Thank You to AIML for the following information!

Get your registration form by sending a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope to:

P.O. Box 2312
Carson City, Nevada 89702-2312

What is the International Soundex Reunion Registry? 
A system for matching persons who desire contact with their next of kin by birth. 

Who Can Register? 
a. Any person who is 18 years of age or older. 
b. Birth parents 
c. Adoptive parents of adoptees who are still under the age of 18. 

How does the International Soundex Reunion Registry work?
When a registration is received the information is computerized. If data matches and the ISRR registrar determines a relationship exists, both parties will be notified immediately. 

How is the International Soundex Reunion Registry Funded? 
ISRR is a non-profit, tax exempt corporation funded entirely by your donations. 

How Much Does the International Soundex Reunion Registry Cost?
There is no fee for this service.  All contributions are tax deductible. The generosity of each registrant will enable this registry to provide for the reunions of tomorrow. 

How Do I Update my International Soundex Reunion Registry Registration?
When you have additional information or have changed your address, complete a new registration form with all the known date.  Be sure to mark the UPDATE box.  If you are reunited by other means, please notify ISRR. 

How Do I Obtain More Information? 
Before submitting the ISRR registration you should make every effort to obtain documents, records and facts pertaining to you and the family members you seek.  Contact agencies, search organizations or specialists for guidance. (ISRR includes an enclosure on this.) 

How Will I Know the International Soundex Reunion Registry has Received My Registration? 
If you enclose a stamped, self addressed envelope WITH your registration, the ISRR will send you a notice of receipt in that envelope. 

How Will I Know If There Is A Match?
The ISRR registrar will contact you by phone or mail.  It is very important that you notify ISRR of any change of name,address or phone number. Remember that someone could register looking for you at any time the future. 


  • ISRR does not perform a search or provide search advice. 
  • Voluntary registration by adults desiring contact or reunion with their next of kin by birth is deemed legal consent for contact between   parties to a match. 
  • Registrants are held responsible for all information provided on their form and any documentation attached thereto. 
  • ISRR will not notify you unless a 'match' is made. 
  • ISRR will not accept an unsigned registration form. 

 Please check out our Registry Links Page

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