The Blues / Depression Distinction


Blues refer to the bad feelings people get because of negative experiences such as losses, loneliness, discrimination, stress, and burnout. "Blue" people feel upset but can still function. Depressed people, by contrast, have bad feelings but can't function in the basic areas of life such as work, relationships, or managing their health--no matter how hard they try.

The following list highlights the differences between everyday blues and clinical depression.


Is It in Your Head, or in Your Genes?


Depression results from a chemical imbalance in the brain and a negative, distorted way of thinking. Like heart disease and hypertension, depression runs in many families.

Depression is almost always caused by a combination of one or more of the following factors:

You are more likely to develop depression if you inherited the depressive gene or if you were raised in an environment surrounded by people who always felt beaten down, hopeless, and powerless. But not everyone who inherits depression will succumb to the disease--or at least be depressed all the time. The disorder may skip a generation, or the depression may be triggered only when other factors are present--too much stress or the death of a loved one, for example.

If you are at risk, take extra care of yourself. Avoid high--stress environment, you can still reduce your risk of getting depressed by getting plenty of sleep, exercising, and eating healthy. When something gets you down, tend to it right away!

If you follow your doctor's orders and you still can't seem to lift your spirits, seek professional help to stop the symptoms from getting worse. Think of this depressive illness as being like cancer. If you know you are susceptible to breast cancer, you'll examine your breasts for lumps more regularly. If discovered early, the disease will be far more treatable.


If one identical twin has depression, there is a 70% chance that the other will also develop depression at some time. When children who inherit a depressive gene are adopted at birth by families with a history of depression, they are three times more likely to develop depression that the biological children of the adopted families.


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