Last update 16th December
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The (Incomplete) page about me... Picture of me

All you ever wanted to know...
...but were afraid to ask
Name: Graham
Date of birth: 9-9-1965
Starsign: Virgo
Sibblings: No
Height: 1.78m which is about 5'10. Average anyway.
Weight: 12 stone.
Favourite class: uh... Physics?
Least favourite class: RE, Music
Favourite sport:
Other things I like to do:
Favourite books:
Favourite computergame Pacman, Gauntlet
Best music:
My number one hit: Vienna(Ultravox), California Dreamin'(Mams and Papas), Beautiful Day(Levellers)
Most horrible music:
Most horrible song:
Best TV programs: The Prisoner, League of Gentlemen, and most comedy
Best film: Star Wars
Favourite actor:
Favourite actress:
Least favourite actor:
Favourite pet: Cats
Words or phrases I overuse: "Can't be arsed", "Wouldnt touch it with a barge pole"
Favourite words:
Favourite colour:
The yummiest food/candy:
My wish: Change the world on my own
I am in love with: This week its Lisa from Steps.. mmmmm (Dont laugh, just click for a bigger pic)
The most beautiful country: America
The nicest place I know: Vail, Colorado
I like:
I don't like:
My best character trait: Sense of Humour
And my worst: Leaving things unfin
What I want to be when I grow up: Old
Now serious:
I am scared of:
Body fun-fact: Blows nose VERY loudly
Body fun-fact #2:
Can he cook? Spaghetti Bolognese - once it it 17 days in a row while at university
Favourite non alcoholic drink:
Favourite alcoholic drink:
Anything else? um, no.. but I'll think of something..

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