Build your very own powered model plane

Step 1
Using a razor blade, carefully spilt a match making sure you leave some of the phosphorous as it will form the nose of your aircraft
Step 1

Step 2 Step 2
Build the frame by gluing matchsticks together. you can build a bigger wing of lighter wood if you like (can fit in more 'engines'). Use your imagination, but always be aware of the power to weight ratio.

Step 3
Catch a couple of flies, and put them in a glass pot and put the pot in a freezer. In a few seconds the flies will be quite cold and motionless. Be careful not to cool your engines down too much - it will kill them. If you put them in the refrigerator instead, it will take longer.
Step 3

Step 4 Step 4
While you are waiting for your engines to get cold, drop some glue on the places where you want to put your engines.

Step 5
Take your flies from the refrigerator/freezer. Place them on the pre-fitted glue pools.
Step 5

Step 6 Step 6
Breathe warm air onto the flies. A miracle is happening! Your flies that were frozen a moment ago are now coming back to life.
Step 7
Start the plane. If you did things correctly, it will fly! Sit back and enjoy watching the happy flies playing with the plane. None of them will have experienced anything like this before!
Step 7

Pet bee Other ideas
Congratulations, on your new model plane. But why stop there? Why not try a similar trick with a bee? When its cold, carefully tie a cotton thread round it, and then you can take it for a walk. Amaze your friends with your pet bee.
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