Blueberry Hill

Front row left to right...Littlebratface, Jane5, Richpersontobe...second row...Mrs.Ricky_yes, Grandma Smiley, Overagain, aunt Francis....Back row...Toad, ISparrow, Mel200, Oops6000, Craftlady, Ricky_yes.

There are a lot of pictures on this page so it will take a while for it to load, Of course if you wanted to see them bad enough to come here, you will wait.(big GRIN)

Friday night

On the weekend of May 29th,30th,31st. 1998..there was quiet a gathering of internet friends at the home of Grandma Smiley in Indiana.This was quiet an experience for this lil southern bird for a couple of reasons..One being that I had never been this far north into yankee country before and second I had never met this many net friends face to face before. I can say I thoroughly enjoyed both experiences.

I will attempt to share the weekend here in both words and pictures, but before I go any farther let me say that the people represented at this gathering does not include all the ones of us who consider ourselves one big happy cyber family..and the ones that did not get to attend were sorely missed and hopefully next time the others will also be able to join us.

You will have to remember now that this is the opinion of one silly lil southern bird and not necessarily the opinion of others (smile) So I will try to relate to you my "first impressions" of the people in these pictures.

I.will start with grandma Smiley...when I first got into town I went straight to her house to say hello before checking into the motel..she met me at the door with a big smile and open arms. I have never felt more welcome at anyones home. Grandma has a way of making a person feel special. I found her to be a most gracious hostess.

Jane 5? Lawd ha Mercy, that lady met me with a great big bear hug and I wouldn't take nutin' in the world for that hug. Jane is Jane, she tells it like she sees it and don't back up on what she believes in. I admire that in her.But she sure doesn't look as old as she said she is.(grin)

When I went back to Grandmas later Friday evening and met the ones there...I reckonized all but one person..there was this cute lil girl sitting there just a smileing at me...but I had to ask her who she was..well it was none other than our own Littlebratface..and believe me there is nothing bratty about her. She is cute as a button and smiles all the time..Also she has a way of telling things that sorta grabs your attention and keeps your interest..Of course she spent the weekend teasing me about my southern accent but I loved every minute of it. Her husband, Goody, just joined right in with the rest of us, now he is one of the crowd and I expect to see him come into the chat room just any time now..He is a nice, freindly person.

Next came Ricky there is a cajun for you...I could listen to him talk for days...I loved his you see I wasn't the only Reb there.(grin) and if you ever get a chance to try Rickys was delicious.and that man can dance too..he gave most of us ladies the thrill of a few steps around that patio....and did I forget to mention, Ricky is a very nice looking man AND he also has a very nice looking wife, Elaine,she was very warm and friendly.

The two people who surprised me most was, as I mentioned, Littlebratface..she looked so young and pretty..the other one was Toad..I don't know what I was expecting but not the bundle of energy that he is.....he really went out of his way to be accommodating to us all and he made the day a fun time for the kids..with a hay ride and a bondfire. Toad and Grandma could be twins, they look a lot alike and when they smile at you, you know the feeling is behind the smile.

Aunt Francis was amazing, so full of energy and vitality..she could put some of us that are younger than she to shame. Oh and what a sense of humor she has...ask Littlebratface about Aunt Francis's sense of humor. She gives me motivation....I hope I am as spry at that age.

Mel200..what can I say, most of you know that Mel and I had met before and he is my buddy..He is sweet as sugar and Friday I met Oops for the first time and she is just like him..They are very special to me..why? Lawd ha Mercy people, those two made me feel like I won on queen for a day!!!..They took me out to dinner, catered to me all weekend and made me feel like I was somebody special. I shore done made me some good friends on this thang called the internet.I got a feeling these two are friends for life..they are "keepers" for sure.

Richpersontobe....oh yes...she probablly will be rich some day and then won't know us cyber nuts......she is the type of girl with the looks that just say "neat as a pin" even when the wind blows her hair all over her head, she still looks nice and neat...I was happy to meet her..makes me want to get to know her better. She is cool.

Now here is Bubbles, uh oh , I mean why do I think of bubbles when I think of Craft? She told us she was so shy..hummmmm....did not seem shy to me.....when you see her you gotta love her cause she is just overflowing with joy. Makes me wish she lived nextdoor to me. I think she would make me smile even on a grouchy day!!!

Overagain and again......Now this lady does not meet strangers...and out of us all at this gathering she deserves a reward most..the things she does for others and the way she gives of herself....did ya'll know she adopted and is rearing three young grandchilderen? I remember when I just could not wait till my own children were grown and I could have some time for myself, Over makes me feel selfish in this.. When I look at Over I see an unselfish act of love in progress. She is the same way on the internet..many hours she has spent helping the rest of us find our way and learn new things.

Here I have to give this one honorable mention..if she had not gone to the gathering..I would not have been there either..this is Purplerainfire, my daughter and she drove most of the 1500 miles of our round trip. And guess what? she enjoyed it and even sang for us. Thanks Purp, yo mama loves you.

Even The Kids Had A Fun Time At Grandmas House

Uncle Toad took the kids on hayrides all afternoon..They all got along so well and had a wonderful time.

Friends at first sight.

Grandma Smiley's Grand daughter & ISparrows grand daughter.

Oh, you don't believe we actually HAD dancing?

Well ya'll Craftlady took this picture and she Demanded that I include in on this page..sooooooooo.I know my reputation will be shot much for my prim and proper image....We will just call this one THE FLITTER.

We all had so much fun at this gathering...and we hope you enjoyed shareing it with us through these words and pictures. If there is a next time I hope all these are there and also the ones we know from Yahoo Chat, who could not make this one...we love ya'll just as much....

You can bet one thing..if another Gathering is planned this lil bird will be doing everything within her power to be there.

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

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