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Creating Rainbows...Creating Peace
RainbowCreator Poetry!

Rainbow Creator's Poetry ! !

These poems and short stories were submitted by visitors to the
RainbowSeeker's Place of Peace!!

Some are originals that were written by the RainbowCreators themselves.

Others were written FOR the RainbowCreators
in appreciation of a kind act that they had performed.

Still others were submitted by friends who felt that the poem or short story
expressed their feelings better than they thought their own words could express these feelings.

May these words bless and comfort you...

May you find peace in these wonderful words,
knowing that the authors were merely serving as vehicles for Our Creator......

WHO uses each of US to bring His messages of Love and Peace to ALL.

The Prettiest Rainbow ! !

Once I saw a rainbow,
pretty as can be.
It had all the brightest colors
one could ever hope to see.

It shown like a beacon in the sky.
It made a tear slip from my eye.

It was the prettiest rainbow one could ever hope to see.

---Submitted by H.P. an 11 Year-Old Female---

Every time you look at me, I feel happy safe and warm,
Like a blanket all around me, shielding me from harm,
Like the brightness of a sunshine, my rainbow in the skies.
Please don't ever lose the light, shining in youreyes.

Every time you look at me, I feel wanted and desired,
Like the words of some sweet love song, special and inspired.
When your hands caress my body, I can't hold back the sighs.
Please don't ever lose the light, shining in your eyes.

Every time you look at me, I feel a heart filled up with pride,
Like the only time you feel it, is when I'm by your side.
I feel beautiful and loved, as my passions quickly rise.
Please don't ever lose the light shining in your eyes.

Every time you look at me, I feel your heart and soul.
You are who completes me, who filled that empty hole.
I feel love and joy and truth, a life with no more lies.
Please don't ever lose the light shining in your eyes.

Every time you look at me and your fingers touch my face,
I know you've touched my heart, in a very special place.
For now I see the answer, the reasons your eyes shine.
For every time you look at me, you see the light in mine........


---Submitted by a Fellow RainbowCreator---

The Legend of a Leprechaun!

Once upon a time there was a leprechaun who lived in peace.
He lived in peace because he was alone and was able to live as he chose.
More than anything, this leprechaun loved his gold.
He kept a whole pot of it in his den with him.

This leprechaun was extremely fond of the rain.
There wasn't a time when he was happier.
The rain provided him with an opportunity to polish his gold and
really watch it sparkle!
Sunny days made him sad...rainy days made him ecstatic.

This leprechaun was living in his own Eden...
Until one day humans moved into the area.
Not only did they intrude in his living space, but they were noisy as well
The humans built a city and elected a mayor, all to the leprechaun's dismay.
It wasn't enough for these humans to be noisy,
but the mayor loved wearing multicolored suits.
Every color you could think of was in his suits.
Bright colors, other than gold, angered the leprechaun.

Days, months, and years went by.... Slowly!

One day the leprechaun had had enough.
He was going to put an end to this nonsense once and for all.
He dug under his bed until he found what he was looking for.
Then, being the small leprechaun that he was,
he was able to tie IT to the mayor's shoes without being noticed.
What was IT, you ask?
Sticks of dynamite! Many of them!

The leprechaun was barely able to make it to his den
when he heard the explosion.
Oh the sound...the wonderful sound.
How delighted the leprechaun was!
The happiest he had been in a long time.
To make everything even better!
It started to rain.

Whistling, the leprechaun made it to where he kept his gold collection.
Appalled, he saw that it had disappeared.
Frantically, he looked everywhere, but with no luck.
Sobbing, he looked up.

What was that he saw in the sky?
Why, it looked like the mayor's suit was hanging by the clouds.
Colors streamed down to the ground from the sky.
Gasping, the leprechaun hid for the rest of eternity.

It turns out that whoever lives up above those clouds,
saw what the leprechaun did and decided to punish him.
After it rained, from there on in,

A rainbow would appear ...

And at the end of it? The leprechaun's pot of gold!

---Submitted by M. an 18 Year-Old Female---
---Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada---

The Road of Life

At first, I saw God as my observer, my judge,
keeping track of things I did wrong,
so as to know whether I merited Heaven or hell when I die.
He was out there sort of like a president,
I recognized His picture when I saw it,
but I didn't really know Him.

Later on when I met Christ,
it seemed as though life was rather like a bike ride,
but it was a tandem bike,
and I noticed that Christ was in the back helping me pedal.

I don't know when it was that He suggested we change places,
but life has not been the same since.

When I was in control, I knew the way.
It was rather boring, but predictable...
It was the shortest distance between two points.

But when He took the lead, He knew delightful long cuts,
up mountains, and through rocky places at breakneck speeds.
It was all I could do to hang on!
Even though it looked like madness,
He said "PEDAL!"

I worried and was anxious, then asked,
"Where are you taking me?"
He laughed and did not answer...
Then, I started to learn to trust.

He took me to people with gifts that I needed...
Gifts of Healing...
Gifts of Acceptance...
Gifts of Joy...
Gifts of Love...
Gifts of Rainbows!

They gave me gifts to take on my journey...
My Lord's and Mine.

I forgot my boring life and entered into the adventure.
When I would say, "I'm scared,"
He would lean back and touch my hand.

Then, we were off again.
He said, "Give the gift's away;
they are extra baggage, too much weight."
So, I the people we met.
I found that in giving I received and still our burden was light.

I did not trust Him at first, in control of my life.
I thought He would wreck;
But He knows bike secrets....
He knows how to make it bend and take sharp corners....
He knows how to jump to clear high rocks....
He knows how to fly to shorten scary passages.

So, I am learning to shut up and PEDAL...
in the strangest places...
and I am beginning to enjoy the view...
and the cool breeze on my face...
with my delightful constant companion, Jesus Christ.

And when I am sure I just can't do anymore...

He just smiles and says...."PEDAL."

---Author Unknown---

Angel Molly and Her Cans of Paint !!

Once, long, long ago, the world was entirely in black and white.
No other colors could be seen anywhere.
God could see colors though and wanted His people to see them too.
So, He sent a little angel named Molly out
with a paintbrush and cans of all the different colored paints
to color the world.

Molly started painting but she got tired quickly and laid down to take a nap.
When God saw that she was sleeping,
He was very angry and created a huge thunderclap.
Molly awoke with a start and accidentally knocked over her paint cans.
The paint spilled in streaks of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet,
making a rainbow in the air.

Even though God was mad, He thought the rainbow was pretty.
So, He tucked it away in the clouds for safe keeping.
Now, whenever it rains and becomes gloomy looking in the skies,
God pulls out His rainbow to cheer Himself up.

--Submitted by a RainbowCreator!--

Lucia's World!

What Does Your Pot of Gold Contain ?

Once upon a time, in a small village in Enland, a little dwarf lived.
All day long he worked hard mining in the fields.
Every night he would come home to his wife,
who had slaved all day to make him a nice dinner.
And every night, he sat with his wife and
praised her on what a wonderful cook she was.

So one night, he came home and
there was no delicious aroma as he walked closer to the house.
He wondered what was wrong.

When he entered the house,
he asked his wife where his dinner was and if everything was alright.
She had a worried expression on her face and
told him that she was pregnant.
He jumped up and ran to hug her, but her sadness worried him.
He asked her what was wrong
because he knew that she had always wanted a child.

She explained to him that she would have to go away,
because she knew that his small salary couldn't support the three of them.

God was listening to her worries and
decided that he would do something about it.
So, the next day when the dwarf went to work,
there was a wonderful rainbow stretching across the sky in

magnificant colors!!

He had never seen such a thing of wonder before,
so, he asked one of his friends what it was.
The friend told him that it was an act of God and
at the end of the rainbow, there was supposedly a huge pot of gold and
if you got to the end of the rainbow, the pot of gold was yours.

The friend laughed and told him that it was purely an old wives tale,
but the dwarf thought very hard about it.
After work, the rainbow was still above them.
So, he decided that he would find the pot of gold so his wife could stay.
He walked across fields of rich wheat and stuggled across the mountaintops.
Eventually, he was so far up,
he could see his house from the top of the mountain.

He then heard the voice of God around him, whispering to him.
God said,

"It is not money that makes you rich, it is love."

The dwarf realized that God was right.
So, he started his long trek home.
When he reached his home,
he smelt the strong enticing aroma of chicken.
That was his favorite meal!

So, he ran inside.
In the middle of the floor was a huge basket
filled with gold and gems of all sorts.
His wife was humming happily in the kitchen and
turned to him when he entered.
He asked where all the gold had come from.
She replied that an old man had just visited.
When he left, she walked inside and there was the gold.

The dwarf hugged his wife and
told her that she had been visited by the all mighty,
and told her his story.
She kissed him and told him that
their child was their "pot of gold" at the end of the rainbow.

Everybody lived happily ever after and
he prospered in everything he did.
Their child was very healthy and had a wonderful life.

--Submitted by U.J.--

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Revised 19 SEPTEMBER 2007

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