Why we do it!

Because WE Love Mommy

This page Mommy is doing for us so we don't get too much hair or litter in her keyboard. We will be on her lap and her table tho while she is doing this to make sure she gets it the way we want it.

There are 22 of us total that Mommy has either found after being abandoned or before someone took us to the pound or a few of us were born at Mommy's before she could have our parents fixed? (Why would Mommy want to fix something that's not broken?) Well we all would like to say how we got here so let us start with the oldest. Age before beauty or Elders first, which ever.

Born Here

Our oldest resident,is not however the one who has been here the longest.

I am an 11 yrs old fixed male. I was born here at Mommys. I stayed here for several years before taking a long walk one day. I finally came back from my travels in April of '93 with one minor change. Someone took good care of me and protected me while I was gone. Before my long travels I had a booboo that was cared for with peroxide which changed a circle of my jet black fur to reddishblack and it is still visible today. Boy was Mom happy to see me again. She gets so emotional when something goes wrong with one of us. I like to stay out on good days and comes in when thirsty and or hungry. I will come in at night on cold nights without being called but on warm nights I do not want to be in so I try to open the screens to get out. Bad boy! When I do stay in I will sleep with Mom under the covers and not let anyone close to her. Not as close as the others could be if I weren't in. But she worries if I am out all night long. Too many bad things out there could get me like racoons or those ugly possum that steal food left by our doggy friend Queen.

Jack & Jill
We are also both fixed. We are part Himalayan and part tabbie but look more like Siamese. Dark ears and striped tails and Jack has light tabby stripes down his back and legs. We both have blue eyes and red centers when light hits them and we both complain in the Siamese voice. Jill; I am Moms lap hog. I am always there when Mom is trying to do things like crafting or writting or just surfing the Webtv she has. Jilly,as I am affectionatly called, am a favorite I think. I am older then most of the rest. Even my brother is a few min. younger then I.

Autum and Jessie
We are basic tabbies with 3 colors marbled thru our coats. We are both female, fixed and 9 1/2 yrs young. We room with several fixed males all of whom are basically orange. Sherbert is the handsomest. He is orange with creamy white markings. He is the one that always tries to go up Mommy's armpit. He must know by now he can not fit. But he keeps trying. Then there is OC. He is a very shy orange/beige boy. He will only come close enough to sniff your hand.

Today is a very sad day (09/16/98) for this afternoon my sweet Sherbert passed away. Sherbie, you keep Garfield company at Rainbow Bridge with Brough and Cheza and Winnie.

And last but not least there is Garfield. He is solid orange. He has learned that if he lets Mommy scritch him he gets a treat, and he likes it too. Took him a long time to find that out.

Garfield has gone to the Rainbow Bridge to be with Brough and Cheza. (06/06/98 at 6:15 PM EDT )

Wandered In

I am female and came here 9 years ago. I am light orange with some beige on my chest. I came after one set of neighbors moved and wanting to eat and hearing other cats I decided to see if I could get some food here. After all with all the cats here I could just blend in and no one would know there was one more, right? Well the lady feed me with the rest but she did notice me. At first I did not want to get too close. What if she was like that little person who would be rough when they played? I gave it a few days and watched her with the others and decided she was different so I let her near and I am glad. I have a home for as long as I want.

I am a fixed male with white chest and tummy and both back legs and front paws. The rest is dark charcoal with silvery stripes. I do not get too close to people. I do not think this person will hurt me because she always feeds me but you never know. I have been here 6 years now. I come at dinner time and I stay on the porch when it rains or is cold out. If the lady does not look at me when she passes I will let her be as close as 3 feet but if she looks at me I Will run.

Bent Tail
I am another orange and white male that only shows up for chow. Some times I come at night and some times in the morning and sometimes not for days. Once I stayed away for almost a year. I have a broken tail that did not heal right so it is bent to one side. I am friendly to a point but I do growl sometimes when I have had enough mushy stuff. I found this feeding stop about 4 yrs ago. I think I'll stay awhile.


Momma Cat, Squeaky, Tang, Lavern and Shirley.
We were left at a car wash in a box. We kittens were only a few weeks old when Mommy found us. She worked across from the do it yourself car wash, and when she came to work that day we were there so she took us in her work place and gave our mom some water and that night we went home with her. That was 5 yrs ago. We are all female. Mommy Cat and Squeaky are calico, Tang is orange and Lavern and Shirley(we are twins). We are colored the same marble color except for the face. Lavern, I am lighter on one side and Shirley, I am darker on one side. We are also fixed. (There goes that word fixed again.)

On this day (April 10,2000) Momma Cat pasted away. Hopefully she has joined the rest at the Rainbow Bridge. We Miss You Momma.

I am male, big and dirty orange in color. The same night Mommy brought home the family, Daddy brought me home from his work because my mommy was hit by an 18 wheeler there. When he got me home Mommy gave me such a bath because she thought I was dirty but that is just what color I am. That's me in the picture sitting on the plate. I am a comic when I want to be. Sometimes I sit and put a front paw way up towards Mommy so she will give me things. Doesn't always work but it is worth a try. Never know, right?

Maynard died April 3, 2000, He was our favorite. He even helped us pick our lottery numbers. And He would win (only 3 numbers out of 6 )more then either of the adults.

We Were going to the pound

I was headed for the pound when my previous Mommy asked this Mommy if she would like to take me instead. She said Yes! Good thing, I was not a kitten so I probably would not have gotten a home. I've got one now. Been here 10 yrs. I am a fairly big male, long hair, black and white (more black then white) I do have eye problems tho, because my lashes keep curling into my eyes. Mommy puts goop in them and that helps me to see better. Many cats have come and gone since I came. And if I know Mommy many more will. Last May she got more kittens (like she really needs more, yea.)

Frisbie, Markie, Cowie
(Pictured here just after we arrived.) We were a Mothers Day present. Our Mommy had to take us to the pound because she couldn't keep us anymore, allergies or something, we don't know. Well she stopped by work first to find us homes first and everyone said we were cute but they couldn't take us home. Then this big furry guy saw us and said he would take us all as a present for his wife. We figured furry = cats like us. We were part right, lots of cats but he's no cat and she isn't one so why so furry? A beard, that's why. Great for cuddling in tho. Frisbie; I am male (fixed) Charcol black taby with tan marbaling, white chest and legs, and front shoulders are even white. I am 9 pounds now and 1 yr. old with feet 3 times my 2 sister's feet. I like to pounce on things and fly from counter to floor thus the name Frisbie. Markie is a wirey female mostly browns in color and she is an explorer. She follows Mommy into the bathroom and sits on her lap no matter what Mommy is trying to do. No wheres else does she sit on Mommy but there. Cowie is a stricking calico. Very clear colors deep black and white white and bright orange. She is Mommy's night time cuddler. When that big black cat is not in at night Cowie goes under the covers and gets her head just out of them and kneeds the sheets and stays all night. Here we are now.

As of 03/03/00 Markie is about 3 weeks preg. My little one got out several times during her last heat so se meet someone who accomadated her needs. The blessed event should be around mid April. As soon as I can get some photos of the babes I will put them here with the proud Mom.

I am so far the last to arrive. I followed the neighbors son home after he went fishing. Their cat did not like me so they asked this nice lady if she could give me a home. I am female. Silver in color on top but my underfur is pure white. I think that is why Chin for Chinchila. My fur is very soft. I am the terror around here. I try to go in rooms that are off limits all the time. I have tried to get in one room so many times I have a hole worn in the carpet at the bottom of the door. I am a very good bug catcher though. There are these big wood spiders that get in once in a while I catch and play with. Mommy gets all upset when she sees one. I try to play with them but she always breaks my toy and she won't fix it. Why? Otherwise she is a nice lady to give us all homes. I am sure there will be more in my lifetime. Oh well the more the merrier they say. As soon as all the pictures of us are scanned she will put them on this page. So come back often. For now MEOW.(Bye)

My Sisters Baby

This little fella was found all by himself in the Florida everglades several years back. My sister has what I call a traveling food service that she takes to festivals and craft shows. She does Italian foods and sometimes ice cream or deserts. At one of these this little black n white male showed up at her door all hungery and my sister gave him some food. And from there they became buddys so she asked around if anyone know of the owner. Everyone told her there were lots of kittens around there that get dropped off so she took him in. He is still with her. Very happy and healthy I might add.

In Loving Memory Of
Cheza (top) & Broughy

Winnie came running whenever she heard the pop of a babyfood jar (meat sticks).

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Midnight is my cyber kitten. I just adopted him. I hope he feels at home with all my others. Would you like to adopt a cyber kitty? Madame Alto's Cat House is the home of kittys that need adopting.


BC is a Proud Member of Claw. His membership card and crown are below.

This is my first award.
I received this May 9, 1998.

This award we got May 16,1998.

This award I received May 29, 1998, thanks to a dear friend who nominated my pages for it. Thank you Amy.

I support spay and neutering of pets so we don't have so many homeless ones running wild.

You can find other pet pages listed for your conveience at the Heartland Pet Gazette.

This award I received from Heartland Pet Award Contest. Thanks to any and all who voted. Aug.3, 1998

I want to add special thanks to Mr. Woody and Uncle Fester for scanning my pictures. And Mr. Woody for uploading several of my awards for me. Without them these pages would be a lot less then they are. Thank You Guys!!!!

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Since 4/18/98



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