Tribute to Peaches

1986 - 1993

. . . the one who started it all

Peaches came to us in the spring of 1986 from Adopt-a-Pet, a pet adoption agency in northern Illinois. She was a tiny 6-week old kitten who didn't even know how to retract her claws, keeping us busy unhooking her from the rug! She remained a small cat, but was undisputed queen of the household and the ruler of David's heart.

Peaches moved with us to North Carolina in 1989 with the aid of a little Valium (for us and for her). She transferred her rule to the new house, but curiosity got the better of her one day and she escaped for several hours. She seemed none the worse for her outing for some time, but later developed symptoms quite similar to FIV and suffered periodic bouts of vomiting and weight loss. Steroid injections seemed to help, but her bad spells increased in frequency until she was becoming ill every month.

Peaches died on November 9, 1993. On awakening that morning, I found her, stretched out on the comforter alongside David - always her favorite place to sleep. While we shed many bitter tears - and still do - we knew that she was at peace at last.

Here are our favorite photos of Peaches in happier times:

Her second favorite nap spot!

Snuggle up to that mountain!

Who, ME?

More to come someday!

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