Gymnastics Newsletter

7241 Whipple Ave.

North Canton, Ohio 44720


Fax: 330-498-4084

Text Box: Parking

Please be cautious in the parking lot. We create a lot of traffic at busy times. Do not let children walk in the lot without supervision. Please do not park in ProVantage reserved spots. You may park in any spot that is not reserved. Remember there are spots at the side of the building by the bowling alley.

Traffic Flow

Use the stairs to the right of the mezzanine to go down to class. Parents may walk their child down to the class area. All students should go down to the class area, about 2 minutes before class is to begin. Please use our clocks to note class time.
At the end of class, students are dismissed to the mezzanine. Pre-school students will be walked up to the mezzanine by an instructor.
Older children may be dropped off at our door. Watch to see that they come into the building.
No children are permitted to wait outside the building to be picked up. Either come in to get your child or have child wait in lobby until you drive up.
Dance students should be picked up at the doorway to the dance studio.