THE GADD PHOTO ALBUM The following is a picture of the William Gadd Family, taken about 1904 in Rockcastle County, KY

William Gadd Family

Back Row: John Standford Gadd, William L. "Willie" Gadd, Emma Gadd, Reuben Gadd & Henry Gadd

Front Row: Huston Gadd, William Gadd, Elizabeth A. (Roberts) Gadd, Oscar Gadd & Robert Gadd

In parents laps: Yetta Gadd & Bessie Gadd (my grandmother)

This is a picute of William Gadd. I am guessing that it was taken about 1910.

William Gadd

Here is a picture of Bessie and her sister Yetta, taken about 1912.

Bessie & Yetta Gadd


The older gentleman is William Harrison Gadd.

If you know anything about any of the above mentioned people, please contact me.

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