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Our Cats' Page

Because all cats deserve their own web page

This is a page I swore I would never do, but you know how cats can wheedle you into doing just about anything they want....

We are owned at the present time by two cats, Bunny Bear and the Kimmi Monster. Here are a couple of photos showing their complete togetherness as they try to make me well during a recent bout with bronchitis--it's amazing how running a fever makes you popular with the small furry feline set....of course they maintain it's because they're trying to make you well, but we know the real scoop on that....(click on the picture if you want to see it bigger)

Lookin' smug Psst! Is that soup Siamese food?

Meet The Purrballs

click for bigger picture


Bunny is the Elder Statesman of the household. We got him from a pet store in 1986 when he was really much too young to have left his mother in the first place. He was so small he could fit in the palm of my hand. Naturally, he bonded with me and now thinks I'm his mother. And at the advanced age of 12, he still does.

But don't think he's a big old softy cat--he'll chase a feathertoy, whup up on a dog, and kill feet under blankets along with the best of them! 'Cause he's the Amazing Pinky Bunny Bear Cat!!

click for bigger picture


Kimmi is the newcomer to the clan, having adopted her in mid-January from B B Felix, a breeder here in the Atlanta area. She is an 18 month old seal point Siamese, and was formerly known as "Jeapurrs Fartita of BePrsCrePrs". My husband Mike didn't like the idea of a cat being called Fart, especially not this sleek little elegant being, so she became Kimmi. Kimmi is a retired breeder--if you are ever looking for a cat, don't forget the retired show and breeding cats!

Kimmi is a wonderful little cat--her great love is chasing a hair ring, one of the fuzzy kind. She loves to have us throw them for her to fetch (yes, FETCH) and she'll play this for hours. She has the typical Meezer voice, and doesn't hesitate to use it, even though she isn't the constant conversationalist some Meezers are. I guess she doesn't believe in rattling on if one doesn't have something important to say.

Here are some links that Bunny and Kimmi thought you might enjoy:

The Siamese Internet Cat Club
Cat Fanciers Association
Fancier's Breeder Referral List
BePrsCrePrs Cattery
where we got Kimmi and the justly proud home of
GRC BePrsCrePrs Pio NoNo,
their first home-bred Grand Champion Siamese Blue Point male.
Congratulations, B B!!

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Copyright 1998 Lorraine H. Robinson
Last update 6/3/99