Here are some pictures of us, our home and our property. The home and property pictures were taken at different times and in different seasons. I really love it here and I also like to share it with others, so if your are in the neighborhood drop in and have some coffee,tea or what ever.

Here is a picture of me in the kitchen. I love to cook. I find it creative and relaxing. It tastes good too.

Here is a picture of my wonderful boys, Tyler on your right and Evan on your left. Raven our dog is in front and in the middle of course is me. This picture is now a few years old, 1998.

Due to popular demand here is a picture of Inez, my wonderful wife with the boys. Again an older picture 1998.

Here is my mother-in-law. She came all the way from India to visit us. 1999.

Here is a picture of us in the summer of 1999 with "Mom".

Here is a picture of us in the summer of 2001.

Here is a picture of Charmaine, my niece and I. She, along with her family came for a summer visit 2001.

Here is a picture of Tyler and Evan , summer of 1999.

Here is a picture of Tyler and Evan and Jeremy, their cousin on top of a mountain in Jasper. 2000.

I coached Evan's soccer team. The kids were great and I really enjoyed my time with them. They all did very well. It helped having a RCMP officer as an assistant coach. (Arrest and Jail if they did poorly ;) .)

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