Here are some pictures of my kitchen renovation project. The kitchen is now complete, however it may continue to evolve as I get new and different Ideas.


This area used to be the dining room. Now as you will see is where the main part of the new kitchen is.

This picture is the area just to the right of the above picture. I removed the wall with the mural on it, what a shame, yuk!

Here is the old kitchen area. I have installed a 4'x 8' picture window where the fridge is and a garden door where the sink window is. The picture window photos and the garden door pictures are on page 2 and 3.

OOPS, took some upper cabinets down before I took the picture. This wall was removed.


Here is a view looking into the corner.

This is the island. The white thing in the bottom middle is a vacuum inlet. You can kick on the switch and then sweep anything that falls on the floor into it. (note:The floor is now tiled. The pictures are on page 3)

These are the south wall lower cabinets.

Now you are looking toward the enclosed pantry.

Now you see the gas stove top and range hood. I used slate for the backsplash. The slate tile were 12" x 12" and I cut it down to 4" x 4". The white things on the wall are my elecrtical outlets. They are surface mounted because I did not want to adversley affect the vapour barrier

These are curio cabinets that I made and inserted into the 2 x 4 wall. I had my friend,"James" make the stained glass windows.

This is a close up of one of the curio cabinets. The stained glass has an Alberta Wild Rose motif.

A full kitchen area picture.

Another island view.

In this view you will notice the different heights in the upper cabinets. The middle cabinet is not as deep as the others. I did this just to break up the straight lines, and to add some depth and character. I also did the same thing to the cabinet above the stove top as you will see in the next picture.

Both the upper and lower corner cabinets have lazy susans in them.

I designed the upper corner cabinet so that the door would face more to the left for easier access.

I replaced the old window with a new casement type window. I centered it over the sink. You will also notice the lighing in this shot. I installed small halogen lights under the upper cabinets and two halogen lights in the valance above the sink. I also installed larger halogen lights into the tiled ceiling.

The sink is a two compartment composite material colored black. The main faucet is a single lever type and the spout can be pulled out and has a button on it so you can alter the water flow for a fine spray. The smaller faucet to the right is for drinking/cooking water. It is hooked up to the distiller. Both are black in color.

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