Ferrets Morning, Noon and Night
Sounds like a perfect world to me!

For the past 4 years I have been owned by ferrets each of them have stolen my heart (and my mind). Armed with many pictures and a couple stories, I shall attempt to properly introduce my kids. With this said, I invite you to come meet my ferrets:
Paige's Ferrets

Unfortunately, there are still many ferrets out there that have been abused, abandoned or simply need a home. The Ferret Aid Society of Toronto is just one of many shelters around the world that stand up for the 4 legged creatures that can not stand up for themselves. This section of my site will be dedicated to the special babies that are currently up for adoption at The Ferret Aid Society of Toronto and the stories they have to tell.

Shelter Ferrets ***UPDATED AUG/98***

ALERT: The Green Slime Disease is here! To find out more -> ECE arrives in Ontario

For some other Ferret Sites please visit the following