MARCH 1998

No More Oxygen!!!

WEIGHT: 10 lbs
ACTUAL AGE: 6 Months
CORRECTED AGE: 2 1/2 Months

Thats right I am a free man (well partial free, I still have the apnea monitor) but no more oxygen, no more prongs in my nose, no more tape on my face, no more tall green tank in the living room and bedroom with a 50ft tube, no more smaller tanks that goes with me outside. It feels so good to be free of all those things but I am also thankful because those things allowed me to be at home with my family. I know mommy is also glad, now she doesn't have to carry 2 monitors, an oxygen tank, a stroller and me outside anymore (maybe that's why I didn't go out to often).

My appointment at the developmental clinic went very good, as I am on target for my corrected age (actual a month or two ahead).

My second Respigam treatment didn't go too good, the nurse could find a vien that was not blown and didn't feel comfortable doing an IV scalp (daddy didn't want one there anyway) so we decided not to bring me back at a later time for another nurse to try. Mommy and daddy decided to keep me on lock down (isolated from everyone) until mid/end of April.

I am now drinking about 4ozs of milk every 3 to 4 hours and I turn in for the night between 10:00pm and 11:00pm and sleep straight for about 4 to 5 hours. Mommy is now starting to get a little more sleep at night (just up once during the middle of the night).

Maybe next month I will be free of the apnea monitor. Tune in next month!

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