Feeder and Grower

Well here it is 2 months later after making my early entry into the world and I am breathing on my own! Things are starting to slow down a bit, not much going on. I am basically hanging out at the hospital to learn how to feed from a bottle, hold my own body temperature, and gain enough weight to go home ( I have to weight about 4 lbs before I can be discharged, I currently weight 2 lbs 12 oz).

Things have been going great all month long, I no longer have an IV, and today mommy received a phone call from the doctor telling her I am going to start bottle feeding once a day. The doctor stated that if I get my suck, swallow and breath down pack I can go home in two weeks (thats right, two weeks). Mommy was excited to say the least, and anxious because my room isn't even ready yet (can you believe that). Anyway mommy and daddy came to see me today and mommy breast fed me. I took to the breast like a champ. Mommy would come to the hospital and breast feed me once a day, I would get tired and she would finish the feeding with a bottle. My feedings by bottle has now increased to every feeding (every 3 hrs) and I have been to moved an open crib (still in NICU though, doctor doesn't want to move me just yet, I wonder why).

Some discouraging news today, I didn't pass the hearing evaluation on my left ear (right ear passed). The doctors say not to worry, it could be because of fluid or me moving during the test. A followup appointment will be scheduled within 3 months (lets keep our fingers crossed).

It is the end of the month and I weight about 3 lbs 8 oz and the time has come for me to be moved to Growing Preemies (too stable for SCN).

December 1997 Update

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